azblue | 2017-01-15 18:08 UTC–5 Permalink
I've had this LEGO ID for 19-20 years. Literally when they introduced the LEGO Club features in 97 or 98, I joined. Honestly I can't believe I've had it for almost 3/4 of my life! |
Toad0013 | 2017-01-15 20:43 UTC–5 PermalinkHello,
I was wondering about a few things:
1) Now that BIONICLE G2 has ended, would it be possible to say which suggestions you gave the G2 team when the remake was still being formed?
2) In Legends of Metru Nui, was it explained why Makuta (posing as Turaga Dume) seemed to be briefly talking with himself (as ominous red eyes), and if not, do you know if this was planned to be explained in G2?
3) Are you still in touch with Chris Faber, or keeping up with his newer projects like Rebel Nature?
4) Do you have a blog or anything so we can catch up with what you're doing after the LMBs end?
Thanks in advance, and thank you very much for the fantastic stories and world building! |
diglett809 | 2017-01-15 23:13 UTC–5 Permalink
Nice! That's a very old account |
ScribeGT6817 | 2017-01-16 11:12 UTC–5 Permalink
1) Not signficant enough to be worth discussing. 2) G2 had nothing to do with G1, so there would have been no point in explaining it there. It was thrown in the movie, I assume, as a tip-off that Dume was not what he seemed. 3) No, I haven't seen Christian since the last G1 story meeting I was at. 4) No, and the stuff I am working on now is not LEGO-related. I haven't had a LEGO-related freelance writing project since fall of 2015. |
OnionShark | 2017-01-16 13:32 UTC–5 Permalink
1) Wait, so “she” does not actually have a gender, or does it depend on how someone is seeing “her” at the moment? 4) Hrm.. so, it was made with viruses and protodermis, and has at least some biomechanical componenents? |
alpharex8906 | 2017-01-16 13:32 UTC–5 Permalink |
OnionShark | 2017-01-16 13:42 UTC–5 Permalink1) The identity of the voice that told Matoro to put the Ignika on was kept a secret untill 2012, when you said that “[your] feeling at the moment was that it was the Ignika itself.” Why was it kept a secret if it was just the mask? 3) Since the Earth Tribe is tied to nature, does it use animals in its military? 8) How many Velika agents would you say there are? 9) Do Velika agents know about each other? Like, would Peridtus know Atakus is one? 10) Why does Orde think that Velika’s plan must be stopped? Okay, he wants to rule Spherus Magna, so what? 11) Do the Vorox in Kabrua’s pack know he’s a Velika agent? 12) Did the GBs originally belong to a tribe or more? 13) Do you have any idea of where Gaardus might have gone (teleported?) to?
Thank you |
maletoaofwater | 2017-01-16 16:46 UTC–5 PermalinkQuick question: why didn't the toa metru just use a "remove poison" kanoka to undo their mutation into hordika? |
maletoaofwater | 2017-01-16 16:57 UTC–5 Permalink...aaaand another quick question: why did the bohrok need to cleanse the island of mata nui everytime he landed on a planet if it was just a barren rocky island? after the energized protodermis leak it made sense since there were all sorts of environments on the island that needed "cleaned" but before that, what would the purpose of the bohrok have been? we know the island was a camo feature... did the island in fact match the environment of the planet the robot landed on, and it was only a barren rock when he
thanks again! |
brandpanz | 2017-01-17 02:07 UTC–5 PermalinkNot sure if these have been asked already, but:
1. Did Takutanuva resurrect Jaller before he could go to the Red Star? Because Jaller couldn't have come back otherwise. 2. How is Avak always aware of the properties of his prisons, seeing as how they are custom-fit to perfectly hold their prisoners? 3. On a similar note, does Avak's prison power have a limit to what it can hold? 4. Had Teridax succeeded in stopping the Toa Metru from taking the Matoran to Mata Nui, how would he have dealt with the threat of Mata Nui dying? 5. Do you have names for any of the Barraki's species? 6. The Bohrok-Kal each have their own mind and personality, yet they can switch between eight different Krana-Kal. Does each set of Krana-Kal have a collective mind, or is each member of the set programmed very similarly? 7. On the topic of the Bohrok-Kal, were they selected by the Bahrag at random, or were they specifically picked in a Toa Hagah-like fashion? |
maletoaofwater | 2017-01-17 03:57 UTC–5 PermalinkOn the scroll of preparations, there are a few tasks that are oddly specific to the situation that the universe was in. Given that it was created by the great beings, how is it that the tasks the nuva had to do were so specific? (for example, they had to retrieve the heart of the visorak, which we know was so the order of mata nui could use it to have the mahri destroy the horde. but the visorak weren't created for many years after the great beings were gone and the robot launched, so how could the scroll of preparations have that listed as an item that needed to be done? |
ScribeGT6817 | 2017-01-17 09:21 UTC–5 Permalink
The way it worked was that it was barren when the robot landed. An analysis was then done of the flora of the planet and the camo feature would match that flora. So it needed to be cleaned after every planetary visit. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2017-01-17 09:22 UTC–5 Permalink
Once they were mutated, it was too late. The poison had already done its work. If it had been a case where you get poisoned and the poison is constantly working to maintain the mutation, then it would have been effective, but that's not how Visorak venom works. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2017-01-17 09:24 UTC–5 Permalink
Two things -- one, as scientsts, the Great Beings were able to forecast probabilities. Also, Mata Nui's creation of the Makuta was a result of the GB's programming him with the plans for them, and most likely the idea of the Visorak came from the GBs too. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2017-01-17 09:28 UTC–5 Permalink
1) The red star resurrecting people, as a concept, did not exist in 2003. So it wasn't an issue when they did the movie. 2) I'm not sure of your question -- if he creates a prison, naturally he would know what the properties of it were. 3) Yes. His individual willpower. 4) Who knows, maybe he wouldn't have. 5) No 6) The latter 7) Random |