1. Is it within reason that the members of the earth tribe have tamed some of the bio-mechanical dinosaurs of Bota Magna? 'Cause it would be cool if they did
2. And just because Eljay doesn't want it, would you canonize the Good Guy/Bad Guy polybags as Karzahni Matoran so that he must review them in an official video?
1) The bio-mechanical dinosaurs are not technically canon. They were an idea I was kicking around, but it never got approved by the story team and they have never shown up anyplace.
2) I can't do that, I'm not familiar with the models at all.
1) Didn't we see art for them in All Our Sins Remembered and didn't Lewa see one in Reign of Shadows. . .
1) I never picked up a copy of AOSR but I know there was something in Reign of Shadows that very much sounded like a bio-mechanical dinosaur. It was never actually referred to as such though.
Also, Greg, did you miss my questions or simply not have time to answer so many? I know you don't miss things usually, and just answer when you have time to (and I had an awful lot of questions) but with the boards ending I just wanted to make sure.
1) That was just me having fun, though. It wasn't the bio-mechanical dinosaurs I had in mind for Bota Magna, which would have been a major species.
2) I am going back over the pages so I can answer as much as I can before the boards shut down, so I should get to them.
Wow! Thanks a lot for responding. Sorry, I think one of my drafts might have been posted on here by accident. Like I said, it's been a while. This is basically my equivalent of meeting Tom Brady right now. Kind of surreal. Just know that Bionicle will continue, regardless of if the line ends or if LEGO decides to stop promoting it. On an unrelated note, my little brother is a big fan of the ninjago books, and told me to say "hi" and "thank you".
Just a quick question: Would you theoretically be able to continue the Bionicle story in your free time? Not sure what the legal implications of using a theme owned by your employer (outside of work) would be. If anything, it might revive mainstream interest in the line for a possible (if unlikely) G1 reboot.
Make that two questions: If you could canonize any new element or take back any canonized element, what would it (they) be? I always though Kinetics would have been cool...
1) No, I can't do that without LEGO Company's permission and someone here approving it what I write. Since the line isn't active, keeping the story going doesn't really benefit the company any and I can't see them paying someone to read the stuff over. Story existed to promote set sales, so if there are no sets to sell ...
2) I don't really have an answer for this. I don't have a problem with any of the elements we have, and I decided a while ago not to add more elements because we were starting to get into things that were going to require reams of explanation before anyone could use them in their stories.
1. Is it within reason that the members of the earth tribe have tamed some of the bio-mechanical dinosaurs of Bota Magna? 'Cause it would be cool if they did
2. And just because Eljay doesn't want it, would you canonize the Good Guy/Bad Guy polybags as Karzahni Matoran so that he must review them in an official video?
1) The bio-mechanical dinosaurs are not technically canon. They were an idea I was kicking around, but it never got approved by the story team and they have never shown up anyplace.
2) I can't do that, I'm not familiar with the models at all.
1) Didn't we see art for them in All Our Sins Remembered and didn't Lewa see one in Reign of Shadows. . .
1) I threw a few in for fun here and there, but they weren't the full-on species I had planned to do for Bota Magna, because that concept never got approved.
How about the element of body (working on a better name for it). Psionics deals with the mind, while this element deals with the body of the user. Instead of traditional elemental powers, a Toa of this element would have increased strength, speed, stamina and possibly healing abilities. I heard of an element that was a little like this a while back (it was called Prime) and added some of my own details to it. It seems like it might be a good opposite (sort of a yin-yang thing) with Psionics. I'm thinking colors could be red and white? I know what your thoughts on adding Vacuum as an element are, but what about a sort of space-tribe, whose members are immune to the harsh vacuum of space? The purpose of the matoran could be to inhabit/mine asteroids or possibly repair the outside of the Great Spirit Robot (hence why no one in the MU knew about them)! Oh, and Toa of Vacuum could have the non-air related ability to absorb large amounts of energy and material objects, and store them much like a Toa of Fire could absorb fire.
Ooh, and how about an anti-element? It could cancel out other elements! It could be black and white, possibly...
Just spitballing here. Interested to see what your thoughts might be.
Greetings Greg. I had a question regarding the Great Beings.
We know that the Glatorian were the main population of Spherus Magna alongside the Agori, and we know the Great Beings were part of the Glatorian species. But what I had in mind is, were the Great Beings always Spherus Magna's rulers, or did it start after they interacted with Annona and managed to "achieve new heights in their creating"? Basically I want to know if the Great Beings were always Great Beings or they were John and Jane Does before they met Annona.
just taking advantage of the remaining lifetime of the boards to squeeze some questions in:
1: Was the dream being Annona one of a kind, or was she a member of an entire species?
2id she originate on spherus magna?
3: with the Mata Nui robot destroyed, is there any way for new matoran/toa to be created any more?
4: Did the rest of the great beings' species live on spherus magna at the time of the core war, and flee with the great beings, or did they already live elsewhere?
Greetings Greg. I had a question regarding the Great Beings.
We know that the Glatorian were the main population of Spherus Magna alongside the Agori, and we know the Great Beings were part of the Glatorian species. But what I had in mind is, were the Great Beings always Spherus Magna's rulers, or did it start after they interacted with Annona and managed to "achieve new heights in their creating"? Basically I want to know if the Great Beings were always Great Beings or they were John and Jane Does before they met Annona.
First off, the whole "Great Beings became Great Beings only because they encountered Annona" thing is fan theory, it's not canon. It is true that they derived some inspiration from her,but without their own genius, none of that would have mattered. The best way to look at the Great Beings is this -- I'm human. Albert Einstein was human. Einstein was a genius mathematician, and I never made it further than geometry class. We're both the same species, but he is a brilliant scientist who changed the way people view space and time, and I'm not.
The GBs were scientists who were way smarter than the others of their species, the same way Einstein (or basically anyone who understands physics ) is smarter than me. Glatorian/Agori society opted to be run, not by the physically strongest, but by the smartest among them.
alpharex8906 wrote: How about the element of body (working on a better name for it). Psionics deals with the mind, while this element deals with the body of the user. Instead of traditional elemental powers, a Toa of this element would have increased strength, speed, stamina and possibly healing abilities. I heard of an element that was a little like this a while back (it was called Prime) and added some of my own details to it. It seems like it might be a good opposite (sort of a yin-yang thing) with Psionics. I'm thinking colors could be red and white? I know what your thoughts on adding Vacuum as an element are, but what about a sort of space-tribe, whose members are immune to the harsh vacuum of space? The purpose of the matoran could be to inhabit/mine asteroids or possibly repair the outside of the Great Spirit Robot (hence why no one in the MU knew about them)! Oh, and Toa of Vacuum could have the non-air related ability to absorb large amounts of energy and material objects, and store them much like a Toa of Fire could absorb fire.
Ooh, and how about an anti-element? It could cancel out other elements! It could be black and white, possibly...
Just spitballing here. Interested to see what your thoughts might be.
I'm really not interested in adding more elements to the stew.
First time I've heard of the "Great Beings became Great Beings only because they encountered Annona" thing actually. I was quoting BS01 with the "achieve new heights" thing.
And yes, the Einstein comparison was what I had in mind when I thought of the Great Beings. I think what I wanted to know was, if the Great Beings were always known as "Great Beings" since the beginnings, or they were just random Glatorian who had a mind for "SCIENCE!" and grouped up, and then started getting "fame" I'd guess.
Basically, I wanted to know if the Great Beings were always Einstein, or there was a point where the Great Beings were random Glatorian and then started being "known" and gradually gained knowledge, and through knowledge, they gained power.
English isn't my first language, I might not be explaining myself the best possible way, but I want to know about the Great Being's origins and "roots"
oh.. Okay. With the story not going anywhere, more elements couldn't complicate things too much could they? I'm writing my own "alternate" story taking place after the Melding (it's another of those parallel universes so it won't contradict anything you write) and wanted to know If I would theoretically be allowed to add my own elements. Are we allowed to do that??
Wow! Thanks a lot for responding. Sorry, I think one of my drafts might have been posted on here by accident. Like I said, it's been a while. This is basically my equivalent of meeting Tom Brady right now. Kind of surreal. Just know that Bionicle will continue, regardless of if the line ends or if LEGO decides to stop promoting it. On an unrelated note, my little brother is a big fan of the ninjago books, and told me to say "hi" and "thank you".
Just a quick question: Would you theoretically be able to continue the Bionicle story in your free time? Not sure what the legal implications of using a theme owned by your employer (outside of work) would be. If anything, it might revive mainstream interest in the line for a possible (if unlikely) G1 reboot.
Make that two questions: If you could canonize any new element or take back any canonized element, what would it (they) be? I always though Kinetics would have been cool...
1) No, I can't do that without LEGO Company's permission and someone here approving it what I write. Since the line isn't active, keeping the story going doesn't really benefit the company any and I can't see them paying someone to read the stuff over. Story existed to promote set sales, so if there are no sets to sell ...
2) I don't really have an answer for this. I don't have a problem with any of the elements we have, and I decided a while ago not to add more elements because we were starting to get into things that were going to require reams of explanation before anyone could use them in their stories.
1. What if they were to... not pay anyone to read the story over, and the guy does it out of the kindness of his heart?