rquinnm | 2016-08-15 10:45 UTC–5 Permalink |
MR_cg | 2016-08-15 22:09 UTC–5 Permalink-First of all, Thanks for Answering! (Oh God... I don't want to give you a bad imprecion or Annoy you... Sorry if I did, But... I feel like "Woah! Is him!"so, that makes me feel Nervous.)
-Your reply gave me some more questions...
1-If you don't Have the exact information, Then... What would be an speculation? Kinda like... The earth? 2x Earths? Jupiter? Idk.
2-If all the spslands were destrolled, That means that The Matoran, Rahi, Flora and other species that didn't were in Metru-Nui or a safe place are death?! Then... That means That The Makuta Were trying to avoid that and aren't Actualy evil?! THE TOA KNEW ABOUT THIS?!?! O_o
3-...Huh... Sorry if it was Stressfull to answer that question... I didn't understood at all, But... Better I will leave that question there. |
ShadowEmperor7 | 2016-08-16 02:16 UTC–5 PermalinkGreg, if you could visit any location in the Bionicle universe (from any time period), where would you pick and why? |
ScribeGT6817 | 2016-08-16 09:48 UTC–5 Permalink
1) What are you referring to? 2) No, the inhabitants of the MU were evacuated to Spherus Magna |
Benrad7 | 2016-08-16 09:53 UTC–5 Permalinkwhats the deal with after techno season, everything is regular? and please answer |
voporak1 | 2016-08-16 15:04 UTC–5 PermalinkHello Mr Greg
1. What is the difference between the Protodermis and Antidermis?
2. There's a dimension where the Matoran universe was made of Antidermis instead of Protodermis?
3. In journey's end, Teridax told Mata Nui that their new bodies could destroy the entire universe. The GSR and the Prototype Robot have really had this power? but they don't use it during their battle on Bara Magna? But they could have destroyed the universe?
4. With the golden armor, Tahu has the 42 powers of Rahkshi? The half of the 42 powers? or only a dozen?
Thank you |
ScribeGT6817 | 2016-08-16 15:06 UTC–5 Permalink
Sorry, I don't know what you're referring to. |
MR_cg | 2016-08-16 16:20 UTC–5 Permalink...I will try to explain it better:
1-As you don't have the exact information of the size of Sperhus-Magna, can you at least give us an Idea? Like... Idk, twice the earth? Jupiter? or something like that.
2-But... The great spirit felt With The matorans and Rahi.... So... They should have died. How do they evacuated? (sub questions -When Mata-ni trew Makuta To The falling fragmentos of Aqua-Magna, he knew that The matoran were in... Why he Did that?
-The Toa Knew that When They awakened Mata-Nui, The MU would be Destroyed with The Other Matoran and Rahi that didn't were In Metru-Nui?
-If The Makuta knew that The MU was going to be destroyed If Mata-Nui awakened, Then... They Were actuly trying to Save It and They were actually good?!
-If Krika knew that The strong was goin to Kill Everyone In Karda-nui, why Does he said it to Gali and no to his own teammates? Also, How he even Knew that? |
Benrad7 | 2016-08-16 18:43 UTC–5 Permalinki mean, after the fourth season, why werent there any more futuristic stuff? just modern day?
diglett809 | 2016-08-16 23:23 UTC–5 Permalink |
MartinLutherRB | 2016-08-17 14:20 UTC–5 PermalinkHello Mr Farshtey, I would like to clarify some details about what you can do with BIONICLE G1 and what you can't. 1). Do you have control over G1 canon? If so, what's stopping you from continuing web serials? 2). As I understand, LEGO prohibited you to expand the G1 universe. Why? If they decide to bring BIONICLE back again, it would probably be another reboot. So why kill G1's potential? 3). Have you tried to ask LEGO to allow you continue writing? If you did, what was their answer? |
herofactoryvsb… | 2016-08-17 21:19 UTC–5 PermalinkAre you planning to finish The Yesterday Quest and The Powers that be? |
flashmarsmissi… | 2016-08-18 22:25 UTC–5 PermalinkThis place is still active.... you've spent 2 years 1 month and 18 days coming to this topic and answering questions about a 10 year old LEGO theme that ended 6 years ago, how does that make you feel?
What is your favorite part about making a new character?
How come the Matoran (when they were living on Mata Nui) are mechanically less advanced than the Agori despite having better living conditions in general, more intact Great Being tech, more GB tech in quantity, and a lot more resources to work with? |
raymondmay11 | 2016-08-18 23:55 UTC–5 PermalinkNow, I have a few questions about the book and the series. 1. On Amazon, it states that Part 2 will be available in September and Part 3 will be available in November. Have you finished writing the full trilogy, and those are just the release dates for the book, or is that your deadline for completing the last 2 books? 2. When we first meet Nya on the Dark Island, she's seen battling some sort of giant purple starfish with teeth. Is this meant to be a mutated Starteeth (those starfish with teeth, but much smaller and they're orange) from the season 2 episode "The Last Voyage"? 3. Is the Leviathan Nya, Ronin, and Jay battle the same one from the previously mentioned episode, or is it another one of its species? 4. How did Doubloon and Flintlocke escape whatever realms they were trapped in? 5. Are you allowed to share information about the last 2 Dark Island trilogy books, or will we have to wait for them to be released before you can discuss them? |
keiththelegokid | 2016-08-20 09:02 UTC–5 Permalink |