2015-09-18 12:12 UTC–5

fantasy1111 wrote:

ScribeGT6817 wrote:







1.How do you use it as a reference?

2) You would have to ask them that question.

3) No, not all of them did. And there are no Bohrok-Kal for them to inhabit.

1) Not that I am aware of, no

2) Why were the Visorak created? As a weapon to be used against Matoran and other enemies of the Makuta.

1) A lot of obscure BIONICLE names come up in these questions, and I don't remember every single thing about stuff I wrote, in some cases, over a decade ago. So I use it to refresh my memory or make sure my answers don't contradict something I already said.

2.No,I said that Krahka mentioned that the matoran attacked her species,but the visorak did it.


1.But is it still possible that melding Mutran did create them?

1) Which is it? In your previous question,you stated that Krahka said the Matoran endangered her people. There is a huge difference between "endangered" and "attacked." Also please note that at the time I wrote that book, the history of the Visorak species had not been conceived yet.

2) I had no plans to do that in my story. What you choose to do in fan fiction is up to you.

2.How did you know I was going to include that in a fan-fic?

Took a guess. Usually, if someone asks me if it possible for something to have happened, rather than just did it happen or not, it means they want to be able to have it happen in a story they are doing. And the simple answer to that is fan fiction belongs to the fans, and you can do whatever you want in your story.

2015-09-18 16:01 UTC–5

MrBlackpants wrote:

Since the G1 Bionicle story is over, will the Shadowed one's name ever be revealed? 


The Shadowed One's name is Bob..... I decieded to call my copy of TSO that a long time ago.


2015-09-18 22:52 UTC–5

Do Spirit Stars continue to exist when the Toa in question has been transformed into a form that's NOT a Turaga? For example, the Rahaga and Nidhiki.

2015-09-19 07:32 UTC–5

ShadowEmperor7 wrote:

Do Spirit Stars continue to exist when the Toa in question has been transformed into a form that's NOT a Turaga? For example, the Rahaga and Nidhiki.


2015-09-19 08:38 UTC–5

me again! hi! hows it going? recovering from the eye strain from reading my last, over worded question? well, thats great news, because here comes another one.


1) the multiverse (bet you didnt see that comeing). as of 2008, we saw that there wasnt a single bionicle unvivers. there where many, like the kingdom, the dark mirror, the city of silver and i could go on. my first question is this: how large is the bionicle multiverse? as in, is what we have seen all of it, or just some? is it infinate, or finate.


2) now, for the next one: assumeing that the bionicle multiverse (lets just call it the bioverse, m-kay?) has more to it than what was shown, is it possible that, millions of universe away, the gen 2 universe exists. now, dont get me wrong, i realise you dont work on gen 2, and its really up to them. but is it PLAUSIBLE.


3) as above, how about HF?


4) if all are yes, then is it possible that there is a universe that contains everything in it (i.e, spherus magna, okoto, the hero factory, any name-able LEGO brand, all in one, sinngular universe)


5)  final one: what is your oppinion on the gen 2 story. again, i know you dont work on it, but i find it highly unlikly that you dont keep up with it, or dont know the gist of it. so, what is your oppinion on it. do you like it, and what would you change?


well, that will do for now. HAVE FUN!

2015-09-19 09:35 UTC–5

Hello again Mr. Farshtey. It's been a little while since I asked a question and I have some more, if that's ok?


1) Does an Olmak always open a dimensional portal, or can the user make themselves simply telelport? Or is a portal required?


2) Can Toa survive decapitation? Back in 2001, when the Toa Mata arrived on Mata Nui, they were in pieces, but rebuilt themselves and their organic protodermis regenerated and they were all good. So, could a Toa simply put their head back on? Or would it send them on a one-way trip to the Red Star?

3) By extension, could they put limbs back on?

4) If no to question 2, why didn't they unalive?


5) When the Great Being took over Velika's body, did the real Velika's consciousness/AI/Spirit/whatever be deleted?


Thank you in advance Smile

2015-09-19 15:45 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

ShadowEmperor7 wrote:

Do Spirit Stars continue to exist when the Toa in question has been transformed into a form that's NOT a Turaga? For example, the Rahaga and Nidhiki.


Would the spirit stars appear outside of the robot, or were they tied to the robot's systems and thus not do so?

2015-09-19 16:33 UTC–5

Not sure if this was asked before (someone should really work on sorting these answers into a format for easy reference), but where did the Toa Disks (the ones with elemental power) come from? Are they combinations of the 8 standard disks, or was there some other way they were created?

2015-09-19 18:27 UTC–5

patstu1 wrote:



1) the multiverse (bet you didnt see that comeing). as of 2008, we saw that there wasnt a single bionicle unvivers. there where many, like the kingdom, the dark mirror, the city of silver and i could go on. my first question is this: how large is the bionicle multiverse? as in, is what we have seen all of it, or just some? is it infinate, or finate.


2) now, for the next one: assumeing that the bionicle multiverse (lets just call it the bioverse, m-kay?) has more to it than what was shown, is it possible that, millions of universe away, the gen 2 universe exists. now, dont get me wrong, i realise you dont work on gen 2, and its really up to them. but is it PLAUSIBLE.


3) as above, how about HF?


4) if all are yes, then is it possible that there is a universe that contains everything in it (i.e, spherus magna, okoto, the hero factory, any name-able LEGO brand, all in one, sinngular universe)


5)  final one: what is your oppinion on the gen 2 story. again, i know you dont work on it, but i find it highly unlikly that you dont keep up with it, or dont know the gist of it. so, what is your oppinion on it. do you like it, and what would you change?


well, that will do for now. HAVE FUN!

1) Theoretically infinite. A new alt. universe is created everytime a decision gets made, after all.

2) I can't answer this.

3) All I can tell you is that we were told repeatedly there was NO connection between HF and BIONICLE. The multiverse in my mind consists of alternate versions of the main BIONICLE universe. HF is not a BIONICLE alternate.

4) I would say no, with two exceptions. The LEGO Movie universe obviously includes multiple themes, but that was a universe based on a kid playing. LEGO Dimensions has crossover too.  

5) As I have often said, my opinion does not matter. I am not the target audience. Your opinion matters. I am generally aware of the storyline because I have to edit BIONICLE pages for the magazine, but I am not doing any writing for the line.

2015-09-19 18:33 UTC–5

Hey Greg, I don't know if this might be a guess, but did Naho (of the Toa Mangai) wear a Kakama?

2015-09-19 19:06 UTC–5

We know of several biomechanical beings on Spherus Magna, such as the iron wolves, the biomech dinos, and the scopio. (scorpio?) All of those were regular organic organisms before the Great Beings tampered with their anatomy/physiology, which we know happened prior to the creation of the MU. In addition, we have the agori and glatorian, who, while not totally biomechs, were given mechanical implants. Then we have the creation of the matoran universe, a universe filled with biomech beings. While we know the GBs created them, we never really knew HOW they created them. Can we assume that they were probably made the same way as the GB's other biomech creations, starting with an organic base and modifying it to be biomechanical? Given standard scientific principle/conduct, (and we know the GBs were primarily scientists) this would make the most sense - they're using multiple applications of the same process.

2015-09-19 21:42 UTC–5

What do the residents of the MU eat? Do they eat?

2015-09-19 22:19 UTC–5

ouberry wrote:

What do the residents of the MU eat? Do they eat?

They eat by consuming energy directly through physical contact. Within the MU, there were central locations where they could essentially recharge.

2015-09-19 22:20 UTC–5

maletoaofwater wrote:

We know of several biomechanical beings on Spherus Magna, such as the iron wolves, the biomech dinos, and the scopio. (scorpio?) All of those were regular organic organisms before the Great Beings tampered with their anatomy/physiology, which we know happened prior to the creation of the MU. In addition, we have the agori and glatorian, who, while not totally biomechs, were given mechanical implants. Then we have the creation of the matoran universe, a universe filled with biomech beings. While we know the GBs created them, we never really knew HOW they created them. Can we assume that they were probably made the same way as the GB's other biomech creations, starting with an organic base and modifying it to be biomechanical? Given standard scientific principle/conduct, (and we know the GBs were primarily scientists) this would make the most sense - they're using multiple applications of the same process.

It's a good question. Before answering, let's consider how Matoran and Toa reassemble themselves and throw that in the mix ... because in that case, they are putting mechanical parts together and then the organic muscle tissue grows to link the parts together. So where does that take the potential theory?

2015-09-20 00:38 UTC–5

Could a Kraata infect the Avohkii, Kraahkan, or the Toa Mata's Golden Masks? And is it possible to restore an infected mask to its original state or is it permanent?


On a completely unrelated note, why do you not consider the Mata Nui Online Game canon?