RocketRacer7235 |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
MooCowsRock wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
MooCowsRock wrote:
Mr. Farshtey: Rahkshi of Limited Invulnerability and the Makuta all possess the power of Limited Invulnerability, but I don't recall it ever being used in the story. What exactly does it do? Is the user completely invulnerable for a limited amount of time, or is the user only mostly invulnerable for as long as the power is active?
Limited invulnerability essentially means you are invulnerable against some things, but not others. Superman, for example, is invulnerable to loads of things, but vulnerable to kryptonite and magic.
What exactly, then, are users of the power in the MU vulnerable to?
It would probably vary by user.
So would one Makuta be vulnerable to, say, elemental stone, and the next be resistant to stone but weak to water?
ScribeGT6817 |
RocketRacer7235 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
MooCowsRock wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
MooCowsRock wrote:
Mr. Farshtey: Rahkshi of Limited Invulnerability and the Makuta all possess the power of Limited Invulnerability, but I don't recall it ever being used in the story. What exactly does it do? Is the user completely invulnerable for a limited amount of time, or is the user only mostly invulnerable for as long as the power is active?
Limited invulnerability essentially means you are invulnerable against some things, but not others. Superman, for example, is invulnerable to loads of things, but vulnerable to kryptonite and magic.
What exactly, then, are users of the power in the MU vulnerable to?
It would probably vary by user.
So would one Makuta be vulnerable to, say, elemental stone, and the next be resistant to stone but weak to water?
I was actually referring to the variation between Makuta and Rahkshi. We already know that Makuta are vulnerable to light, which is why their invulnerability is limited.
GipsyDanger34M3 |
Why won't you tell us...the shadowed one's name? *I said with a look*.
fantasy1111 |
fantasy1111 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
fantasy1111 wrote:
fantasy1111 wrote:
more question`s. 3.could the barraki breath air after the mutation? 4.did the mutated piraka retain their power? 5.are all 6 krana-kal captured by the turaga? would the bohrok-kal switch krana-kal? 6b.and where did they get their shield`s? the conciousness of the bohrok housed in the krana?
buried along with previous post.
3) No 4) Not that I recall, but I haven't looked it up lately 5) No 6-6b) Don't recall. That was 12 years ago. 7) Bohrok do not have consciousness as such.
5.So wich one`s were not captured and why?
ScribeGT6817 |
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
Why won't you tell us...the shadowed one's name? *I said with a look*.
For the reasons I stated above: 1) When I revealed Teridax's name, it set off a firestorm. I have no interest in going through that again for no good reason. 2) TSO's name was chosen off a list many years ago. It is entirely possible that name is no longer legal for TLC to use, as it may have been used in the interim by someone else for something else. There is no longer an approved list of G1 names, since G1 is no longer an active line.
ScribeGT6817 |
fantasy1111 wrote:
fantasy1111 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
fantasy1111 wrote:
fantasy1111 wrote:
more question`s. 3.could the barraki breath air after the mutation? 4.did the mutated piraka retain their power? 5.are all 6 krana-kal captured by the turaga? would the bohrok-kal switch krana-kal? 6b.and where did they get their shield`s? the conciousness of the bohrok housed in the krana?
buried along with previous post.
3) No 4) Not that I recall, but I haven't looked it up lately 5) No 6-6b) Don't recall. That was 12 years ago. 7) Bohrok do not have consciousness as such.
5.So wich one`s were not captured and why?
I don't recall. That was 12 years ago, and since the Kal were not popular sets, we never had any plans to do anything else with them.
GipsyDanger34M3 |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
Why won't you tell us...the shadowed one's name? *I said with a look*.
For the reasons I stated above: 1) When I revealed Teridax's name, it set off a firestorm. I have no interest in going through that again for no good reason. 2) TSO's name was chosen off a list many years ago. It is entirely possible that name is no longer legal for TLC to use, as it may have been used in the interim by someone else for something else. There is no longer an approved list of G1 names, since G1 is no longer an active line.
If you won't tell us, then you don't know it. Only because there was a list. But still, does anyone have to shout that the name or something is bad, yes. Because that's what we humans do(like ALways). Are you still working on Ninjago #12 "Back matter"?
ScribeGT6817 |
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
Why won't you tell us...the shadowed one's name? *I said with a look*.
For the reasons I stated above: 1) When I revealed Teridax's name, it set off a firestorm. I have no interest in going through that again for no good reason. 2) TSO's name was chosen off a list many years ago. It is entirely possible that name is no longer legal for TLC to use, as it may have been used in the interim by someone else for something else. There is no longer an approved list of G1 names, since G1 is no longer an active line.
If you won't tell us, then you don't know it. Only because there was a list. But still, does anyone have to shout that the name or something is bad, yes. Because that's what we humans do(like ALways). Are you still working on Ninjago #12 "Back matter"?
1) I'm sorry, but your answer makes no sense. Yes, there was a list. Yes, there was a name chosen off it, and yes, I do remember what it was. Please do not accuse me of lying, okay? I am on here because I choose to be, it is not part of my regular job ... and there is certainly no push at TLC to fill in details of G1. So it is basically up to me what I choose to share and not share. Being rude is not going to get you more/better answers. 2) I finished that ages ago.
fantasy1111 |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
Buried,also... 1.How do you use it as a reference?
2) You would have to ask them that question. 3) No, not all of them did. And there are no Bohrok-Kal for them to inhabit. 1) Not that I am aware of, no 2) Why were the Visorak created? As a weapon to be used against Matoran and other enemies of the Makuta. 1) A lot of obscure BIONICLE names come up in these questions, and I don't remember every single thing about stuff I wrote, in some cases, over a decade ago. So I use it to refresh my memory or make sure my answers don't contradict something I already said.
2.No,I said that Krahka mentioned that the matoran attacked her species,but the visorak did it. 1.But is it still possible that melding Mutran did create them?
1) Which is it? In your previous question,you stated that Krahka said the Matoran endangered her people. There is a huge difference between "endangered" and "attacked." Also please note that at the time I wrote that book, the history of the Visorak species had not been conceived yet. 2) I had no plans to do that in my story. What you choose to do in fan fiction is up to you.
2.How did you know I was going to include that in a fan-fic?
GipsyDanger34M3 |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
If you won't tell us, then you don't know it. Only because there was a list. But still, does anyone have to shout that the name or something is bad, yes. Because that's what we humans do(like ALways). Are you still working on Ninjago #12 "Back matter"?
1) I'm sorry, but your answer makes no sense. Yes, there was a list. Yes, there was a name chosen off it, and yes, I do remember what it was. Please do not accuse me of lying, okay? I am on here because I choose to be, it is not part of my regular job ... and there is certainly no push at TLC to fill in details of G1. So it is basically up to me what I choose to share and not share. Being rude is not going to get you more/better answers. 2) I finished that ages ago.
1. How can it NOT make any sense? If someone won't tell, then they don't know. Unless someone is beating them up until they say it. But I don't do that. 2.I'm not accusing. 3. I wasn't being rude. I know better than to do that. But that's what we peole are: curious. Its in our nature. For example, I'm looking for the equation of the Universe and time travel. Back to the Shadowed one's name: A names a name, that's what it is.
Wilmerkardell |
Hi Greg! 1. What was the purpose of the Steltians, Vortixx, Skakdi etc...? 2. Would the Toa find a way to make more Toa, like, are there any Toa stones left? 3. About how many Non-Rahi inhabitants were there in the GSR? 4. Did the Agori make vehicles or did the Great Beings make them? Did the Agori know how to repair them? 5. About how long before the Core War did the Skrall species branch off? The Neanderthal first appeared about 250 thousand years ago.
maletoaofwater |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
Why won't you tell us...the shadowed one's name? *I said with a look*.
For the reasons I stated above: 1) When I revealed Teridax's name, it set off a firestorm. I have no interest in going through that again for no good reason. 2) TSO's name was chosen off a list many years ago. It is entirely possible that name is no longer legal for TLC to use, as it may have been used in the interim by someone else for something else. There is no longer an approved list of G1 names, since G1 is no longer an active line.
If you won't tell us, then you don't know it. Only because there was a list. But still, does anyone have to shout that the name or something is bad, yes. Because that's what we humans do(like ALways). Are you still working on Ninjago #12 "Back matter"?
1) I'm sorry, but your answer makes no sense. Yes, there was a list. Yes, there was a name chosen off it, and yes, I do remember what it was. Please do not accuse me of lying, okay? I am on here because I choose to be, it is not part of my regular job ... and there is certainly no push at TLC to fill in details of G1. So it is basically up to me what I choose to share and not share. Being rude is not going to get you more/better answers. 2) I finished that ages ago.
basically what he's saying is he's part of the shadowed one's inner circle and he's not going to compromise that delicate situation by revealing what so few other operatives know. (maybe we can get ancient to tell us... after all, he was a double agent for the OoMN)  
maletoaofwater |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
IkukoUmetani wrote:
How can the ignika can devolved the turaga to toas again? They have no more toa powers? i meant can anyone other than artakha wear the masks of creation? I know it a legendary mask meaning nobody can control its powers, but artakha can wear it and he master it? how can the toa of magnesium and iron can destroy the makuta's armors? in the power that be, was artakha planing to be killed by veilka? whatever happen to toa chiara and Zaria? since you once work on some ninjago books, did you put some bionicle reference in some of them since in the tv series, they had some bionicle reference?
1) My theory is based on the notion that he is essentially devolving them to what they were before. I am open to people disagreeing on this, however. 2) Anyone can wear a mask, but if you can't use its power, it's sort of useless. 3) Because Iron controls metal and Magnetism affects metal, and Makuta's armor is made of metal. 4) I hadn't made that decision. 5) Nothing. Story is frozen where it left off. 6) No. At the time I was writing those books, BIONICLE had been over for years so I saw no point.
1. since we saw the ignika devolve tahu back into his mata form, it would make sense that it could turn turaga back into toa. also, considering we've seen it turn seaweed into a toa body for him to inhabit, and a vehicle for him to ride on, i'm betting he could do a lot more than make a turaga into a toa if he wanted.
ScribeGT6817 |
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
If you won't tell us, then you don't know it. Only because there was a list. But still, does anyone have to shout that the name or something is bad, yes. Because that's what we humans do(like ALways). Are you still working on Ninjago #12 "Back matter"?
1) I'm sorry, but your answer makes no sense. Yes, there was a list. Yes, there was a name chosen off it, and yes, I do remember what it was. Please do not accuse me of lying, okay? I am on here because I choose to be, it is not part of my regular job ... and there is certainly no push at TLC to fill in details of G1. So it is basically up to me what I choose to share and not share. Being rude is not going to get you more/better answers. 2) I finished that ages ago.
1. How can it NOT make any sense? If someone won't tell, then they don't know. Unless someone is beating them up until they say it. But I don't do that. 2.I'm not accusing. 3. I wasn't being rude. I know better than to do that. But that's what we peole are: curious. Its in our nature. For example, I'm looking for the equation of the Universe and time travel. Back to the Shadowed one's name: A names a name, that's what it is.
Before I respond, let me make sure I am not misinterpreting what you are saying in Point 1, or else we will go around in circles. It SOUNDS like you are saying: If A asks B a question, and B won't give A the answer, then B does not know the answer. Is that correct? Or am I way off?
GipsyDanger34M3 |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
GipsyDanger34M3 wrote:
If you won't tell us, then you don't know it. Only because there was a list. But still, does anyone have to shout that the name or something is bad, yes. Because that's what we humans do(like ALways). Are you still working on Ninjago #12 "Back matter"?
1) I'm sorry, but your answer makes no sense. Yes, there was a list. Yes, there was a name chosen off it, and yes, I do remember what it was. Please do not accuse me of lying, okay? I am on here because I choose to be, it is not part of my regular job ... and there is certainly no push at TLC to fill in details of G1. So it is basically up to me what I choose to share and not share. Being rude is not going to get you more/better answers. 2) I finished that ages ago.
1. How can it NOT make any sense? If someone won't tell, then they don't know. Unless someone is beating them up until they say it. But I don't do that. 2.I'm not accusing. 3. I wasn't being rude. I know better than to do that. But that's what we peole are: curious. Its in our nature. For example, I'm looking for the equation of the Universe and time travel. Back to the Shadowed one's name: A names a name, that's what it is.
Before I respond, let me make sure I am not misinterpreting what you are saying in Point 1, or else we will go around in circles. It SOUNDS like you are saying: If A asks B a question, and B won't give A the answer, then B does not know the answer. Is that correct? Or am I way off?
...BASICALLY. Its how we sometimes think when people are searching for answers in an investigation or something. I'm ending this conversation, because I think that I went overboard a bit: So I don't mean to cause any trouble with wanting to know TSO's name. If I caused trouble all the time, then I wouldn't be here(BANNED, basically). I'll think of a better way to respond next time.