Andrew31kbrick… | 2015-09-08 19:32 UTC–5 Permalink
Buried. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2015-09-08 19:33 UTC–5 Permalink
1) Well, you are in outer space ... so unless you can teleport without needing to know where you are going, or you have a spaceship, I don't see how you would do this. 2) Not sure what you are asking 3) No,. There are no more legally approved BIONICLE names for me to use. 4) I think it was described somewhere in G1, but don't recall 5) Story is frozen, so not unless it gets unfrozen. 6) No 7) That will be up to the G2 story team to decide. I am not involved with G2, so I can't comment on it. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2015-09-08 19:34 UTC–5 Permalink
Yes. They have very long lifespans, but they would wear down eventually and die. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2015-09-08 19:37 UTC–5 Permalink
2) Like I said, I don't recall whether we referenced it in that story. 4) Not sure I see the connection you are making? If the Matoran who lived in the brain served him, it would make taking over the body much easier. Otherwise, you take over the body and potentially the Matoran who keep your brain operating rebel. |
MooCowsRock | 2015-09-08 21:15 UTC–5 PermalinkMr. Farshtey:
Rahkshi of Limited Invulnerability and the Makuta all possess the power of Limited Invulnerability, but I don't recall it ever being used in the story. What exactly does it do? Is the user completely invulnerable for a limited amount of time, or is the user only mostly invulnerable for as long as the power is active? |
6CuteBoy6 | 2015-09-08 21:26 UTC–5 PermalinkHey Greg,
Just curious, but can you think of a reliable (discluding biosector01 and other wikis because this is for a project) source that explains the function of Rhotuka Launchers?
Or explain them yourself?
I need a "reliable" source for this stupid science project thing, and (long story), but I wanted to mention ripcord launchers.
Maybe I could contact Consumer Service...
Well, if you do have an answer (even if you don't), thanks for taking your time to read this out of your day! |
mag747 | 2015-09-08 21:31 UTC–5 Permalink1. Did Lesovikk get mutated in anyway besides water breathing?
2.Did Tahu's golden armor go over his apdaptive armor, or did it replace it?
2a If over, can he still adapt but be golden?
2b If replace, does his weapon or weapons adapt?
3. If Tahu takes off his golden armor he no longer has the kraata powers right? So if he puts it back on, does he get them back?
Thanks for answering my many Bionicle questions!!!! |
lordbio123 | 2015-09-08 22:33 UTC–5 Permalink
Couln't they just transfer their conciousness into new bodies, as a way of immortality? And then fix up the old bodies for use when their current one wears down, and go back 'n forth?
Oh, and assuming nothing happened, can Antidermis eventually die? Like, say there was absolutely no injuries, no fires that could burn it or anything, would they essentially live forever? |
CamdenNeely | 2015-09-09 06:34 UTC–5 Permalink
This got buried! |
IkukoUmetani | 2015-09-09 16:10 UTC–5 PermalinkI was referring to the 24 toas that were still alive after teridax regin. 1. Who were the other known toa of plantlife and gravity since we don't know any of them? 2. How did teridax recreate the visorak while controlling the matoran universe? Did he use the makuta's he capture? 3. There were 40-50 toas left. So who were the ones we don't know? 4. Can anyone's else wear the mask of creation? 5. What kind of mask tridax and kojol wear? 6. Were you originally planing to include more toa of lights? 7. If the order of mata nui don't allow toas to be members, then why was krakua, toa of sonics, was a member? 8. Is there a way to turn a turaga back to a toa? |
Nuvatoka | 2015-09-09 17:29 UTC–5 PermalinkI have three questions that I have been meaning to ask you for a while now. 1. I know you're not going to finish the two story serials (The Yesterday Quest and The Powers that be) that you left unfinished, but can you please at least tell us how they end? You can just come up with something that will be good enough to conclude the stories. If not, why not? Does it need to be approved by LEGO or do you just not want to do so? Anyway, I'll understand. 2. What is your current job at LEGO as of right now? I have heard that you do not write the Ninjago books anymore. If so, what do you do? 3. Who created the Agori's, Glatorian's, Skrall's, Vorox's, etc's mechanical implants? Who came up with the idea? Why did they need said implants? Anyway, thanks a lot for this and have a nice day! |
HarpoonJaeger | 2015-09-10 14:26 UTC–5 PermalinkDear Greg
1) How come whole world didn't flood when Voya Nui crashed through Great Spirit Robots walls?
2) Shouldn't Mata Nui's and Makuta's battle on Bara Magna kill everyone? They were so big that just their steps should cause giant earthquakes.
3) Did Mata Nui kill Ignika's consciousness?
4) Speaking of Ignika, why didn't it have a power to bring anyone back to life, but it had power to teleport and fly and other non-life-related stuff?
5) Why did Artakha even create Nuva Cube? It seems that there was absolutely no positive effects on the Cube (for the Toa, that is.)
6) How it is possible that LEGO theme had plot elements like massacres of Toa of Magnetism and Toa of Iron? Or the mass-killing of everyone who knew Artakha's location? |
trashcan1 | 2015-09-10 17:20 UTC–5 Permalink
Buried. |
voporak1 | 2015-09-10 17:28 UTC–5 PermalinkHi mr Greg
The Shadowed One had used his disintegrator beam one time against Teridax but this doesn't disintegrated him the beam had melted a part of Teridax armor. This would mean that the Shadowed One can lower the intensity of his disintegrator beam so that the beam does not disintegrate its target?
Before that the Great Beings alters the genetics of the Vorox and the Zesk what they looked like? A Glatorian/Agori maybe?
Why Teridax did not use its power of gravity or magnetism or his telepathic powers against Voporak? |
ScribeGT6817 | 2015-09-11 10:25 UTC–5 Permalink
Not something I have ever heard. In the original story bible, it is made clear that Makuta is fueled by jealousy of Mata Nui, so he hardly sounds misunderstood. The original plan was the Toa would vanquish him at the end of '01 and Mata Nui would wake up. There was no discussion that I am aware of of redeeming Makuta in the story or making him sympathetic in any way. |