ScribeGT6817 | 2015-04-30 09:27 UTC–5 Permalink
777stairs | 2015-04-30 13:10 UTC–5 Permalink1.) Do you still have the photo for the Dark Hunter Phantom?
2.) Is there any way for us to obtain what was finished for the Bionicle Graphic Novel 10 like the art already done by Zanier? And what did you have planned for the plot? |
jesusHERCULESc… | 2015-04-30 13:39 UTC–5 PermalinkThank you for the reply. I've been a Bionicle fan since i can remember, and its pretty cool to have an interaction with the guy behind most of it! And i got to influence the canon a tiny, tiny amount, so thats rad too. |
MorroLaval13 | 2015-04-30 15:59 UTC–5 Permalink |
HarpoonJaeger | 2015-04-30 17:07 UTC–5 PermalinkIf BIONICLE characters don't have fingers, how do they use launchers (for example, Midak Sky Launchers had clear triggers) which require pulling the trigger? Also, how do they use shoulder-mounted blaster (like one Nuparu Inika uses.) |
HarpoonJaeger | 2015-04-30 17:10 UTC–5 PermalinkHello Mr Greg! I would like to know how BIONICLE characters do brush their teeth, if they have no fingers? |
ToaEljay | 2015-05-01 01:31 UTC–5 PermalinkWell, it turns out the fanabse is taking that and running with it as far as confirmation goes.
Just to be absolutely clear - Are you saying it'd merely be interesting to see if Matoran observation will have any affect on them? Or that Matoran can now love as an Agori or a human can?
(I figure it's the former, but people love to read into things so I just wanna make sure) |
JayZX535 | 2015-05-01 03:42 UTC–5 PermalinkHi Mr. Farshtey, I honestly don't know why I haven't come on this topic sooner, but I'm here now XD First off, I'm a huge fan of your writing! I've read practically all your Ninjago books through the season 2 canon, and now that I finally had time to catch up with the episodes for seasons 3 and 4 I'm hoping I can read your more recent ones soon, too! Being an aspiring author myself, I gotta ask- what advice would you offer to ameteur writers like me? And how did you get started with working for LEGO? And do you ever critique stories for people? Sorry if I'm asking questions that you've already answered- I haven't read through all 680+ pages of the topic |
Akuumo | 2015-05-01 07:09 UTC–5 PermalinkHello Greg, I think my questions got buried:
Have a nice day |
garmagic | 2015-05-01 07:53 UTC–5 Permalink1) Arround how many Toa are in the Melding alternate universe? 2) Can a Matoran of the Melding become a Toa? 3) Do the Matoran have a slight resistence to the pit mutagen? Because their physical changes were not as radical as radical as the Barraki's. 4) How do the Rahi feed? Do they actually eat Matoran? 5) Can the Makuta use their quick healing power to restore a wound of his armor? 6) If a Makuta absorbes someone whoes will cannot conquer (like the Kingdom Teridax and Matoro), would his body explode? 7) Could a Makuta partially control a Toa Hordika with his Rahi Control powers? |
Nitros_Starlig… | 2015-05-02 08:30 UTC–5 PermalinkWas the Pit Mutagen still present when Mata Nui have restored Spherus Magna? And if so, did it affect Spherus Magna in any way? |
raymondmay11 | 2015-05-02 13:57 UTC–5 Permalink2. What is your favorite Bionicle book? 3. Which Bionicle book did you find was the most fun to write? 4. What's the size of a Kakgarak compared to a Toa? 4b) how about the regular visorak? |
Biomeca132 | 2015-05-03 10:54 UTC–5 Permalink
Buried again. |
TonksM | 2015-05-03 18:03 UTC–5 PermalinkWas it ever said in the entire of Bionicle Gen1 lore where Lhikan was from? Was he from Metru Nui or some other place in the MU? |
Toa-Nuva-von-M… | 2015-05-04 06:23 UTC–5 Permalink
We know he's definitely not from Metru Nui, but we don't know where exactly he's from. |