herbapenguin |
Hello Mr. Farshtey. Everybody is going crazy about the mask of time being in the Bionicle reboot. I saw it in the story videos, and I thought they were easter eggs. And the thing about it being half a mask. Now, it is even in the mini Bionicle magazine. Is the mask of time gonna be in this reboot? Or were the videos easter eggs, and the magazine part a typo? SIncerely, Herbapenguin
MarkSurge9411 |
Willi5000 wrote:
Not everything... There was a vote on the element of that Toa Mangai of the Green, and the mask he used, but other stuff was just based on wether Greg liked the idea or not (such as Velika giving all of the Matoran sentience). I think what kelpers means is that peope might get upset over certain things being canonized (lets face it, people on BZPower can be pretty whiny). That being said, my biggest issues with these ideas is that 1: If Axonn made an attempt to rescue Varian from Odina at some point, why was Varian still in stasis by the end of the story? What reasons would the Order of Mata Nui have to rescue Varian anyway? How would her not being in stasis serve the Order anyways? 2: As for Brutaka geting a new Olmak... The Olmak was exceedingly rare as a mask. Only two of them existed in the prime reality. There was Brutaka's Olmak, which got destroyed by Teridax, and the other one is currently fused to Vezon, who is cursed to constantly hop dimensions. The only way for Brutaka's Olmak to get replaced is if Artakha makes him a new one, which wouldn't be possible considering he's still in Bota Magna.
1: I meant after the 2001 story. Also, she's a Toa, and the Order of Mata Nui would want to free her. 2: Who says Brutaka can't go to Bota Magna?
alaskamark |
1. How and why is the red star red? When an object is visible from a planet's surface it usually just appears as a small white light, why is the red star different? What is the purpose of it being red? 2. Why did Matoro hunt rahi back on Mata nui? Is it just recreational (sport hunting) or do the Matoran eat rahi?
ScribeGT6817 |
herbapenguin wrote:
Hello Mr. Farshtey. Everybody is going crazy about the mask of time being in the Bionicle reboot. I saw it in the story videos, and I thought they were easter eggs. And the thing about it being half a mask. Now, it is even in the mini Bionicle magazine. Is the mask of time gonna be in this reboot? Or were the videos easter eggs, and the magazine part a typo? SIncerely, Herbapenguin
I don't have this info, since I am not involved with new BIONICLE.
ScribeGT6817 |
alaskamark wrote:
1. How and why is the red star red? When an object is visible from a planet's surface it usually just appears as a small white light, why is the red star different? What is the purpose of it being red? 2. Why did Matoro hunt rahi back on Mata nui? Is it just recreational (sport hunting) or do the Matoran eat rahi?
1) It's red because that is what the original BIONICLE designers decided it would be. 2) Yes, they did. They also "ate" fish and fruits and vegetables found on the island.
ScribeGT6817 |
voporak1 wrote:
1.The Great Beings have created something like internet or something more sophisticated? 2.The UM residents have something similar to the internet? If so is it they can mentally connect to their internet with the help of a chip stored in their brains? The people of Spherus Magna?
No and no
Lesovikk025 |
Lesovikk025 wrote:
Hi Greg, how are you? It´s been some time the last time I´ve asked you something, I think it was 2010 or 2011 back in BZpower. I have a question for you, since I started reading the books of BIONICLE again, (btw, they´re really great, especially the Bionicle Legends series written by you). Why does Lewa use Tree/Chutespeak? He didn´t speak it back when he was awoken the first time on Daxia or before he got in his Toa Canister, but he spoke it before he found Le-Koro, the first place he´s been where people speak it. Did he learn it while he was in his Canister (which is highly unlikely IMO, just doesn´t seem necessary to me). I mean, back in the first years of BIONICLE, it made sense since he belonged to the element of Air, and everyone else spoke it, but now that the Toa Mata´s past have been revealed, it seems like a logic hole to me. Am I just overthinking it too much?
This has become buried.
Wilmerkardell |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
alaskamark wrote:
1. How and why is the red star red? When an object is visible from a planet's surface it usually just appears as a small white light, why is the red star different? What is the purpose of it being red? 2. Why did Matoro hunt rahi back on Mata nui? Is it just recreational (sport hunting) or do the Matoran eat rahi?
1) It's red because that is what the original BIONICLE designers decided it would be. 2) Yes, they did. They also "ate" fish and fruits and vegetables found on the island.
Just want to leave a follow up question on 2. A) Was it meant to be that way? Matoran eating Rahi? I mean, where the Rahi created for that specific thing, like Mata NUi creating the Makuta to create food/energy for the Matoran? B) Could they eat none-rahi creatures? Like sand stalkers(don't know why they would eat thoose in specific). C) Did other species like Makuta, Skakdi, Vortixx, Rahkshi, Visorak and other Rahi?
freybee |
In your opinion could a Toa of Air manipulate the oxygen in water to allow him (or others) to breath underwater? Is there some way to restore Dekar's memories to Hydraxon? Would you consider Dekar to be "dead"? Can Hydraxon use Mask Powers? Is the Pit on surface after the rejoining of the two moons to bara Magna? What is the meaning of the word Mahri? (Because Mata means Spirit, Voya means Journey etc.) + Is repetition important to you?
Shougun70 |
Hi Mr. Farshtey! I'm back. I was wondering about the Kanohi Mohtrek, Bitil's Mask of Time Duplication- if a Turaga were to don the Mohtrek, could he/she summon up Toa and Matoran versions of him/herself, or only versions during the period that he/she was wearing the mask? Also, Mavrah, the Onu-Matoran archivist, never had his mask colors described. Did he have an orange, purple, or black mask? Or a Metru-Nui combination color mask (color + silver)? I was wondering the same thing about Onu-Matoran Gar and Reysa and former Onu-Matoran Bomanga and Subterranean. Also, I was wondering if the structure on set 8530's box art was an actual location on Mata Nui. I know it wasn't featured in any story but is it a minor shire abandoned and forgotten in the Rahi War or a sculpture in a village or something? Lastly, I know that MNOG is supposed to be mostly cannon, and all the Bionicle stories say that there were only six villages in Mata Nui, but I was wondering: are there other, miniscule settlements outside of the main villages? Again, I know that only the main six were talked about, but 1. Taipu and Onepu made a small, temporary settlement before their Kohlii match in Ga-Koro, 2. a minor Le-Matoran encampment is shown in the Bohrok animations, and 3. Kini-Nui and different structures in "Bionicle: The Game" suggest that their are, or used to be, settlements outside of the main six villages, even showing what appears to be a tiny hamlet of four houses labelled as "Ko-Koro". Is it the Ko-Koro outskirts, or just another "Ice Village" ("Ko-Koro"). Their were also large Matoran-made towers in Po-Wahi, suggesting that the area was once populated or at the very least had a patrol from the Po-Koro Guard living there. Were their other settlements or "Koro"s, even if they only contain three or four Matoran or were only used for a short time (i.e. a battle camp). Thank you so much for your time! As you can see, your story genius still captivates thousands!
ZuyGrubas |
Derailed wrote:
ZuyGrubas wrote:
Hi, Gregory. Two quick questions. 1. Was Annona a ruler of Spherus Magna before an arrival of the Great Beings? 2. How many suns were in the Matoran Universe? Two, because of "Mata Nui's two eyes", or just one?
2) Uhm...it's a robot filled with water and a bunch of islands. I HIGHLY doubt you'd be able to fit an entire sun in there...
But it had to be a day in there. It had been a day in there. And in the Legends of Metru Nui we could have seen 2 suns - EYES of Mata Nui. One of Metru Nui's suns was located under the Lake Naho. Also, of course, I'm talking about artificial suns, not stars.
ScribeGT6817 |
Lesovikk025 wrote:
Lesovikk025 wrote:
Hi Greg, how are you? It´s been some time the last time I´ve asked you something, I think it was 2010 or 2011 back in BZpower. I have a question for you, since I started reading the books of BIONICLE again, (btw, they´re really great, especially the Bionicle Legends series written by you). Why does Lewa use Tree/Chutespeak? He didn´t speak it back when he was awoken the first time on Daxia or before he got in his Toa Canister, but he spoke it before he found Le-Koro, the first place he´s been where people speak it. Did he learn it while he was in his Canister (which is highly unlikely IMO, just doesn´t seem necessary to me). I mean, back in the first years of BIONICLE, it made sense since he belonged to the element of Air, and everyone else spoke it, but now that the Toa Mata´s past have been revealed, it seems like a logic hole to me. Am I just overthinking it too much?
This has become buried.
No story reason was ever given for this. He started speaking like this in all the fiction because the then-head of the story team, Bob Thompson, said he had to. I always hated treespeak and would gladly have dropped it completely if I had been able to.
ScribeGT6817 |
Wilmerkardell wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
alaskamark wrote:
1. How and why is the red star red? When an object is visible from a planet's surface it usually just appears as a small white light, why is the red star different? What is the purpose of it being red? 2. Why did Matoro hunt rahi back on Mata nui? Is it just recreational (sport hunting) or do the Matoran eat rahi?
1) It's red because that is what the original BIONICLE designers decided it would be. 2) Yes, they did. They also "ate" fish and fruits and vegetables found on the island.
Just want to leave a follow up question on 2. A) Was it meant to be that way? Matoran eating Rahi? I mean, where the Rahi created for that specific thing, like Mata NUi creating the Makuta to create food/energy for the Matoran? B) Could they eat none-rahi creatures? Like sand stalkers(don't know why they would eat thoose in specific). C) Did other species like Makuta, Skakdi, Vortixx, Rahkshi, Visorak and other Rahi?
A) No. Inside the MU, the Matoran had charging stations to get energy from. They didn't need to absorb energy from other things. B) Yes. The fish they were absorbing energy from in 2001-2003 were mostly not Rahi, they were Aqua Magna fish. C) No, because they mostly never existed outside of the MU. The only Skakdi that spent some time outside of the MU were the Piraka. But certainly the denizens of Mahri Nui and that area would have had to be consuming energy from fish to survive.
ScribeGT6817 |
freybee wrote:
In your opinion could a Toa of Air manipulate the oxygen in water to allow him (or others) to breath underwater? Is there some way to restore Dekar's memories to Hydraxon? Would you consider Dekar to be "dead"? Can Hydraxon use Mask Powers? Is the Pit on surface after the rejoining of the two moons to bara Magna? What is the meaning of the word Mahri? (Because Mata means Spirit, Voya means Journey etc.) + Is repetition important to you?
1) I would say no. Were that possible, we would not have had to do Toa Mahri. 2) Maybe 3) No 4) Not to my knowledge, no 5) No 6) I always assumed it meant "ocean," since "mare" means ocean
legoguy2805 |
legoguy2805 wrote:
Hey Greg, I hope you're doing well. Today I have a couple questions about the Elite Vahki (the Kranua and the Kraahu). 1) Around how many were there on Metru Nui in relation to the standard Vahki? BS01 lists there as being around 5000 standard Vahki at the time of the Toa Metru, but no number exists for the Elites. 2) While normal Vahki were in the Vahki Hives, the translucent part of their heads were hooked up to recharge cables, which is where they drew their power from. However, both types of the Elites were too big to fit in the cells of the hive, so where were they stored when inactive? 3) The Kraahu had the same translucent head-battery as the standard Vahki, so is it safe to assume that they were recharged in the same way, but in a different place? 4) The Kranua did not have the head-battery, so how did it recharge? Thanks for your time 
Buried. Also I thought of some other unrelated questions: 5) How did Velika kill Tren Krom? Krom could see from all angles, so the attack couldn't have come by surprise, and Velika's Matoran body is surely no more resistant to disintegration beams than Carapar's. Did he use some kind of special technology to shield his body and mind from counterattack? 6) Just asking for clarification on this one: You said earlier that Kapura and Hafu left the fortress that Velika was rigging to blow before it was destroyed. Did they leave because they were bored of the titans arguing about whether or not to free the cursed GB?