MarkSurge9411 | 2015-01-17 21:54 UTC–5 PermalinkHey Greg, you can still canonize things for old Bionicle, right? If so, could you canonize:
1: That Axonn was sent by the Order of Mata Nui to battle the Shadowed One to retrieve Varian, the Toa of Psionics trapped in the Shadowed One's throne room. 2: Brutaka got a new Olmak. |
bubseylegoguy | 2015-01-17 23:10 UTC–5 PermalinkHow do you feel about not being included in the new story team? |
Willi5000 | 2015-01-18 00:24 UTC–5 PermalinkGot a couple of questions for you...
1: Had the serials continued, would it be safe to assume that Velika's next targets would have been the Turaga, given the authority and inflience that Vakama, Dume, and the others had over the lives of the Matoran?
2: I never quite understood, so forgive me if this was established elswhere, but... After Teridax destroyed it, did Brutaka ever replace his Olmak, with a new mask, or is he just walking around without a kanohi?
3: Going off of that, would Brutaka or Axxon suffer any adverse effects for going without a mask for too long, as Matoran do?
4: Which Bionicle set from the original line was your least favorite? Why?
5: I've noticed that a lot of people have compared Vezon with Deadpool from the Marvel comics. When writing for Vezon, did you ever deriveany inspiration for Vezon's characterization off of Deadpool?
6: Have you seen any of the new story animations for 2015? If so, what do you think?
7: Of the Barakki, which member would you say was the most severley mutated?
8: What are some of your favorite video games that you have played lately, if any?
9: I know that you used to work for a game company, so I got curious... Are there any Tabletop Games that you like to play / have played in the past?
10: Finally, have you read the "Song of Ice and Fire" books by any chance?
Thanks for your time! |
ZuyGrubas | 2015-01-18 10:39 UTC–5 PermalinkHi, Gregory. Two quick questions.
1. Was Annona a ruler of Spherus Magna before an arrival of the Great Beings? 2. How many suns were in the Matoran Universe? Two, because of "Mata Nui's two eyes", or just one? |
IcarusBen | 2015-01-18 11:11 UTC–5 PermalinkAs we were saying back on BZPower, the working theory is that the trans-orange Kraata is Kraata-Kal with no armor on. |
voporak1 | 2015-01-18 15:47 UTC–5 Permalink
Buried... |
voporak1 | 2015-01-18 16:57 UTC–5 PermalinkHello Mr Greg i have some questions to as ask you.
1. The Red Star can generate a magnetic field around it to protect it from asteroid fields when it is in orbit around a planet?
2. This is a purely theoretical question. If the red star would depart from its position for some reason while that Mata Nui is in a planet. is what the red star could to teleport where it was originally?
3. A Toa would be able to alter his element as he wishes such as to change a small flameche into a huge fire or change a fire into a sword or a bridge? |
keplers | 2015-01-18 17:03 UTC–5 Permalink
Those are entirely personal... I'm not Greg, but you seem to be the only person who wants this canonized. |
voporak1 | 2015-01-18 17:17 UTC–5 Permalink1.The Great Beings have created something like internet or something more sophisticated?
2.The UM residents have something similar to the internet? If so is it they can mentally connect to their internet with the help of a chip stored in their brains? The people of Spherus Magna? |
MarkSurge9411 | 2015-01-18 18:30 UTC–5 Permalink
Wait, are you telling me everything Greg canonized had to be voted on? |
keplers | 2015-01-18 19:33 UTC–5 Permalink
No, but I'm not sure Greg would canonize something only you care about. |
Willi5000 | 2015-01-18 20:17 UTC–5 PermalinkNot everything... There was a vote on the element of that Toa Mangai of the Green, and the mask he used, but other stuff was just based on wether Greg liked the idea or not (such as Velika giving all of the Matoran sentience). I think what kelpers means is that peope might get upset over certain things being canonized (lets face it, people on BZPower can be pretty whiny).
That being said, my biggest issues with these ideas is that
1: If Axonn made an attempt to rescue Varian from Odina at some point, why was Varian still in stasis by the end of the story? What reasons would the Order of Mata Nui have to rescue Varian anyway? How would her not being in stasis serve the Order anyways?
2: As for Brutaka geting a new Olmak... The Olmak was exceedingly rare as a mask. Only two of them existed in the prime reality. There was Brutaka's Olmak, which got destroyed by Teridax, and the other one is currently fused to Vezon, who is cursed to constantly hop dimensions. The only way for Brutaka's Olmak to get replaced is if Artakha makes him a new one, which wouldn't be possible considering he's still in Bota Magna. |
MarkSurge9411 | 2015-01-18 20:38 UTC–5 Permalink
Oh, ok.
Disregard my first post then, Greg. |
Derailed | 2015-01-18 21:19 UTC–5 Permalink
Buried. |
Derailed | 2015-01-18 21:23 UTC–5 Permalink
2)'s a robot filled with water and a bunch of islands. I HIGHLY doubt you'd be able to fit an entire sun in there... |