ScribeGT6817 |
Daler99 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
Daler99 wrote:
What is the written language of the Great Beings? In their lab on Bara Magna, they had Matoran writing on the walls. Also, do the Agori use the Matoran writing system?
Matoran is basically computer language, so no, the Agori do not use it. And we do not know what the regular language of the Great Beings is, has never been revealed.
Can the Matoran understand Agori speech and vise vera?
Yes. Mata Nui made that possible before he departed.
ScribeGT6817 |
Firox555 wrote:
I have a few more questions, Greg: 1. About the Valiant, in Hero Factory Secret Mission 3: I'm a bit of a starship junkie... I'm wondering, how much did you work out about the Valiant? Can you tell me how big it was? What did it have in the way of weapons? What sort of engines did it have (was it a fast ship?) 2. If you had had your way in 2005, and Matau had gone over to Roodaka, would Vakama have been the one to convince him to turn back to the light? Also, this probably would have had an effect on the situation on Mata Nui, yes? That is, Turaga Matau might have had a more major role in the "storytelling" scenes at the beginning of the 2004-2005 books? Going to have to answer your questions in two parts ... 1) In general, if it's not in the book,I didn't worry about it. My deadlines don't allow me the luxury to spend a lot of time developing info I am not going to end up using, and since I don't outline, I don't have a spot in the process to do that sort of thing. 2) It's hard to say. The head of the story team was very much committed to doing a "hero's journey" with Vakama, which is why our arguments against 2005 got rejected. So even if we had won, I don't know that Vakama's future role would have been diminished as he was meant to be the focus.
Firox555 |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
Firox555 wrote:
I have a few more questions, Greg: 1. About the Valiant, in Hero Factory Secret Mission 3: I'm a bit of a starship junkie... I'm wondering, how much did you work out about the Valiant? Can you tell me how big it was? What did it have in the way of weapons? What sort of engines did it have (was it a fast ship?) 2. If you had had your way in 2005, and Matau had gone over to Roodaka, would Vakama have been the one to convince him to turn back to the light? Also, this probably would have had an effect on the situation on Mata Nui, yes? That is, Turaga Matau might have had a more major role in the "storytelling" scenes at the beginning of the 2004-2005 books? Going to have to answer your questions in two parts ... 1) In general, if it's not in the book,I didn't worry about it. My deadlines don't allow me the luxury to spend a lot of time developing info I am not going to end up using, and since I don't outline, I don't have a spot in the process to do that sort of thing. 2) It's hard to say. The head of the story team was very much committed to doing a "hero's journey" with Vakama, which is why our arguments against 2005 got rejected. So even if we had won, I don't know that Vakama's future role would have been diminished as he was meant to be the focus.
1) That makes sense - you just don't really have the time to work things like that out. I would have liked to know, but if you don't have the info, that's fine.  2) I see - it's just difficult to tell what would have happened... Thanks!
GavieB |
greg why is the takanuva set released in 2008 instead of 2002?
sepublic22 |
1. If Velika had been hit by the Zamor spheres on Voya Nui, would the piraka have found out about his true origins, or would he have some defense mechanisms to keep him from telling them against his will? Also, did Velika believe in the Voya Nui Resistance Team cause wholeheartedly? 2. By the way, did the Great Beings bring energized protodermis onto the Mata Nui robot to go against the Makuta, seeing how it nullified their antidermis? 3. There appears to be some confusion on the name of a character in Legends of Chima. Apparently, in different sources, he's called Grumlo, and in other ones, he's Gordo. Do you know which one is correct? 4. As since Tomb of the Fangpyre isn't considered a canon story, would you consider the legend of the serpentine non-canon as well?
victor1995179 |
Hi Greg !
What is Rocka's first name ? It seems to be Daniel, but is this information canon ?
blader9999 |
Why did you close Bionicle??? 
alienduck |
Many of the Makuta's powers are the same as elemental ones, like Gravity, Plasma, Lighting, etc. What I mean is, which is more powerful: A Toa's power over the elements, or a Makuta/Rahkshi's power over the elements. (assuming both are putting the same amount of willpower into it)
ScribeGT6817 |
2. Concerning Nova Blasts: When a Toa performs a Nova blast, the effects take the form of whatever element the Toa is, correct? Such as when Gali did a Nova Blast on the island of Karzahni, it took the form of a tidal wave. If a Toa of Gravity performed a Nova Blast, what would happen? Would the result be a black hole, or a massive increase in the gravitational pull of the area? How about a Toa of Magnetism? Also, despite the differences in effect, Nova Blasts are all generally equal in their destructive power, right? Much like how all the elements really balance each other out? That was a bit of a wordy question, sorry. I just have one more: 3. When do you think that Velika began to be disillusioned with the GB's way of running things? Was there a particular event that was the "last straw" for him? Perhaps the GB's failure to stop the Core War set him off?
1) Overall, your suppositions seem correct. I would think a Toa of Magnetism would probably create an enormously powerful magnetic field, not a good thing when everyone is at least three-quarters metal.
2) Well, it had to be before Mata Nui launched, so at the very least the CW had to be the straw that broke the camel's back.
ScribeGT6817 |
GavieB wrote:
greg why is the takanuva set released in 2008 instead of 2002?
#8596 Takanuva was originally released in 2003, along with the movie. He did not exist as a character in 2002. A second version of the model, #8699, was released in 2008, because he was part of the Karda Nui storyline. A third version was released in 2010, #7135.
ScribeGT6817 |
sepublic22 wrote:
1. If Velika had been hit by the Zamor spheres on Voya Nui, would the piraka have found out about his true origins, or would he have some defense mechanisms to keep him from telling them against his will? Also, did Velika believe in the Voya Nui Resistance Team cause wholeheartedly? 2. By the way, did the Great Beings bring energized protodermis onto the Mata Nui robot to go against the Makuta, seeing how it nullified their antidermis? 3. There appears to be some confusion on the name of a character in Legends of Chima. Apparently, in different sources, he's called Grumlo, and in other ones, he's Gordo. Do you know which one is correct? 4. As since Tomb of the Fangpyre isn't considered a canon story, would you consider the legend of the serpentine non-canon as well?
1) I am sure he would have had the willpower to deal with something used by a GB creation. And no, I doubt he believed that strongly in the resistance team, they were a means to an end. 2) No, because they had no idea the Makuta would turn bad. 3) I have seen a Gordo mentioned in the story bible, have not seen a Grumlo. 4) All Ninjago graphic novels were approved by the Ninjago story team. No one at LEGO has ever designated any of them as being non-canon.
ScribeGT6817 |
victor1995179 wrote: Hi Greg !
What is Rocka's first name ? It seems to be Daniel, but is this information canon ?
That is the only name I have heard.
ScribeGT6817 |
blader9999 wrote:
Why did you close Bionicle??? 
I have actually answered this one a bunch of times already. My belief is that BIONICLE was cancelled because set sales had been declining since 2002 and the feeling was that it was better to end it while it was still somewhat successful than wait until it died out. That way, the option remained to bring it back one day. If you wait until it is not selling at all, then retailers won't ever want to see it again.
ScribeGT6817 |
alienduck wrote:
Many of the Makuta's powers are the same as elemental ones, like Gravity, Plasma, Lighting, etc. What I mean is, which is more powerful: A Toa's power over the elements, or a Makuta/Rahkshi's power over the elements. (assuming both are putting the same amount of willpower into it)
The strength of these powers is largely based on willpower, so if the willpower is equal, the powers will probably be pretty near equal.
nickvang_7_7_7 |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
chinchilla3335 wrote:
Bionicle fiction that is.
1) I do have stuff of my own that I am working on, but I don't have a lot of time for it. 2) I don't think i would be allowed to do unofficial BIONICLE fiction, since I am a LEGO employee.
So if you would take a bunch of parts and build a MOC, you aren't allowed to make a biography for it? 