Blazejump3726 | 2017-02-24 18:29 UTC–5 PermalinkGreg Farshtey, I'm getting many Dark Hunters including:
-Firedracax, the Ta-Matoran (first Ta-Matoran), Mask of Climbing Vision, Firework Revolver, Firedracax, the Dark Hunter (second Dark Hunter), Shield, Heat Rhotuka Launcher
-Gatherer, the Onu-Matoran (first Onu-Matoran), Mask of Biomechanics, Lightstone Rifle, Gatherer, the Dark Hunter (second Dark Hunter), Kanoka Disk Launcher, Rhotuka, Blade, Energy Cannon
-Savage, the Onu-Matoran (first Onu-Matoran), Taputu, Mask of Mechanics, Earth Claw, Savage, Toa of Earth (second Toa of Earth), Ruru, Great Mask of Night Vision, Earth Claw, Savage, the Dark Hunter (third Dark Hunter), Ruru, Mutated Mask of Night Vision, Tri-Claw, Rhotuka Launcher
-Spinner, the Le-Matoran (first Le-Matoran), Mask of Air Breathing, Twin Kanoka Blades, Spinner, Toa of Air (second Toa of Air), Great Mask of Air Breathing, Twin Kanoka Blades, Spinner, the Dark Hunter (third Dark Hunter), Twin Slicers, Rhotuka
-Subterranean, the Onu-Matoran (first Onu-Matoran), Tikanka, Mask of Sensory Aptitude, Double Eccentric Rocks, Subterranean, the Dark Hunter(second Dark Hunter), Double Maces For BIONICLEsector01.
astroavian | 2017-02-24 18:38 UTC–5 Permalink
If, let's just say some random toa fell into energized protodermis and was destined to transform into a toa nuva, would his elemental powers be tied to... what? Artahka made the cube for a perfectly good reason, but why were the toa's powers locked to the nuva symbols respectivly? |
astroavian | 2017-02-24 18:48 UTC–5 Permalink
11) About the kaita, Makuta did have the Spear of Fusion sitting around in Mangaia, colecting dust. Perhaps this is what he used it for? |
Blazejump3726 | 2017-02-24 18:51 UTC–5 PermalinkGreg Farshtey, I'm getting many Toa Mangai including:
-Naho, the Ga-Matoran (first Ga-Matoran), Mask of Undersea Diving, Kanoka Disk Launcher, Naho, Toa Mangai of Water (second Toa Mangai of Water), Great Mask of Undersea Diving, Energy Siphon Blade
-Hura, the Ko-Matoran (first Ko-Matoran), Rode, Mask of Truth, Kanoka Disk Launcher, Hura, Toa Mangai of Ice (second Toa Mangai of Ice), Rode, Great Mask of Truth, Impact Crystal Launcher
-Mafa, the Ko-Matoran (first Ko-Matoran), Kaukau, Mask of Water Breathing, Kanoka Disk Launcher, Mafa, Toa Mangai of Ice (second Toa Mangai of Ice), Kaukau, Great Mask of Water Breathing, Energy Extraction Rifle
-Tiro, the Po-Matoran (first Po-Matoran), Rapah, Mask of Elasticity, Kanoka Disk Launcher, Tiro, Toa Mangai of Stone (second Toa Mangai of Stone), Rapah, Great Mask of Elasticity, Judgement Cannon
-Nihu, the Onu-Matoran (first Onu-Matoran), Kakama, Mask of Speed, Earth Claw, Nihu, Toa Mangai of Earth(second Toa Mangai of Earth), Kakama, Great Mask of Speed, Earth Claw
-Kumu, the Bo-Matoran (first Bo-Matoran), Halehki, Mask of Healing, Kanoka Disk Launcher, Kumu, Toa Mangai of the Green (second Toa Mangai of the Green), Halehki, Great Mask of Healing, Twilight Blade
For BIONICLEsector01. |
Blazejump3726 | 2017-02-24 19:04 UTC–5 PermalinkGreg Farshtey, I'm getting a Turaga including:
-Dume, the Ta-Matoran, Kiril, Mask of Regeneration, Firework Revolver, Dume, Toa of Fire, Kiril Great Mask of Regeneration, Magma Hammer, Dume, Turaga of Fire, Noble Mask of Regeneration, Badge of Office, Disk Launcher
For BIONICLEsector01. |
TeridaxXD001 | 2017-02-25 00:34 UTC–5 PermalinkBS01 wiki says that were some on Bota Magna, but they have probably since been killed by Baterra that were trapped there, too. I asked that question before I thought of checking the wiki, so I'll take that as a lesson for the future...if there is any asking Greg questions in the future. |
SurelNuva | 2017-02-25 03:22 UTC–5 Permalink
He also said that the those "who may have survived" may have been wiped out by the Bota Magna's Baterra. I think it isn't a mistake. |
OnionShark | 2017-02-25 08:38 UTC–5 Permalink
Yes, but you had said that it biologically was a Rahi, while not really confirming that it met all the criteria (wich is what I originally asked about). |
OnionShark | 2017-02-25 10:27 UTC–5 Permalink1) I found a contradiction on those two Glatorian bodies found in Dwellers In Darkness in the Core Processor: in 2009 you said they were pilots who were employed by the GBs to pilot the GSR in case its systems were damaged and they died in the GC, but in 2014 you said that they were only supposed to pilot the GSR for its inital launch and that they were supposed to eject, but things didn’t work out that way, and that something disabled killed them before they could, way before the GC. I’d usually trust the earlier version, but on things like this, I’m not really sure. But if the correct version is the second one, who or what caused their deaths? And was it intentional? 2) You mentioned that you're working on something non-LEGO-related, can you tell us what it is? 3) Would it be possible for you to join the BS01 wiki to continue answering questions? Like, people could ask you things on your talk page. It doesn't really have an age-verification system, but since it is part of the LEGO Ambassador Network it wouldn't be a problem, right? |
Blazejump3726 | 2017-02-25 11:03 UTC–5 PermalinkGreg Farshtey, I'm getting many another Kanohi masks including:
-Pirau, Mask of Deanimation
-Mask of Targeting
-Mask of Aqua Vision
-Mask of Combating
-Mask of Flighting
-Mask of Monstrous
-Mask of Protecting
Was created by Artakha (Being), for BIONICLEsector01. |
Blazejump3726 | 2017-02-25 12:14 UTC–5 PermalinkGreg Farshtey, I'm getting many another Kanohi masks including:
-Pirau, Mask of Deanimation
-Mask of Targeting
-Mask of Aqua Vision
-Mask of Combating
-Mask of Flighting
-Mask of Monstrous
-Mask of Protecting
-Mask of Plasma
Was created by Artakha (Being), for BIONICLEsector01. |
Blazejump3726 | 2017-02-25 12:40 UTC–5 PermalinkGreg Farshtey, I'm getting a Matoran in Metru Nui including:
-Takua, the Av-Matoran, Mask of Incomprehension (first Kanohi Mask broken), Pakari, Mask of Strength (second Kanohi Mask), Disk Launcher, Toolmaker/Trader
For BIONICLEsector01. |
ajtazt | 2017-02-25 13:29 UTC–5 Permalink
This was sadly buried. |
junior743 | 2017-02-25 15:22 UTC–5 Permalink![]() |
MooCowsRock | 2017-02-25 15:26 UTC–5 PermalinkMr. Farshtey:
Firstly, I would like to thank you very much for answering all these questions for so long. It means a lot to me and a whole bunch of BIONICLE fans. Thanks.
Second, I have a few questions about Kaita:
1) Can only MU inhabitants form Kaita? 2) What inhabitants of the MU can form Kaita? The ones we know for sure are Toa, Matoran, Turaga, Bohrok (and maybe Bohrok Va, but I'm not quite sure), Bohrok-Kal, and Rahkshi. Can Skakdi form Kaita? Can Makuta? Can Vortixx? 3) Also, are Kaita only formable between three beings of the same species? 4) In regards to Bohrok Kaita, do the Krana of the three constituent Bohrok fuse as well to make a Krana Kaita, or do they stay separate with only one of them controlling the entire Kaita? For that matter, what about Kraata in a Rahkshi Kaita? 5) There are also the fusions called Matoran Nui and Turaga Nui, made by six Matoran or Turaga. Can any other beings form Nui fusions? Is there such a thing as a Toa Nui or a Rahkshi Nui? 6) The masks of the Toa Mata (and, subsequently, the Toa Nuva) fused into one mask when they formed Kaita. Is there any way to fuse three masks into one "Kanohi Kaita" without making a Toa, Matoran, or Turaga Kaita? Could maybe the Spear of Fusion accomplish this? |