EHW2 | 2016-12-09 19:23 UTC–5 PermalinkCould a Toa of Psionics or a Toa wearing a Psionics based mask(i.e a Suletu) read the mind of a being with an organic brain like an agori, glatorian, spikits, skrall, etc.? This would not include the sisters of the skrall. |
mrcqm | 2016-12-09 23:29 UTC–5 Permalink
Didn't Orde read the mind of a Vorox once? I think so. |
commandercody1… | 2016-12-11 15:39 UTC–5 PermalinkI have several questions:
1. Do you know what kanohi were primarily worn by Zaria and Orde 2. Can kanohi be 'uncreated' into kanoka? If so, who would be capable of this? 3. Do the Great Beings have any powers? If not, could they give themselves powers? 4. The 6 metrus have specific kanoka powers assigned to disks made in that metru (first digit in kanoka code). Are there powers like these for other matoran settlements in the Matoran Universe? Are there Kanoka with no first digit power?
I eagerly await the answers, thanks! |
commandercody1… | 2016-12-11 15:40 UTC–5 Permalink
Yes, kabrua in the Yesterday Quest |
MrFaber321 | 2016-12-11 16:38 UTC–5 PermalinkBuried? |
Rory865 | 2016-12-11 16:45 UTC–5 PermalinkHi Greg, just a couple of questions; I'm not sure if this has already been answered, but how many inhabitants of the MU were aware that they were living inside the Great Spirit Robot? Obviously Tren Krom, Teridax and Mutran at least knew, but were there others?
Also, regarding the Ignika and the 'Cursed' Great Being; if the Ignika's power was limited to MU inhabitants and the MU itself, as it was part of the same technology; how did it drive the Great Being insane and give him his powers of bringing things around him to life, considering the Great Being would not usually be affected by any MU technology? |
MrFaber321 | 2016-12-11 17:03 UTC–5 PermalinkHello Greg, hope you're doing well.
1) When two or more beings are merging into a natural or artificial fusion (like the Skakdi Fusion), and the fusion gains a new personality of it's own (as you stated some time ago), are the personalities of all the creatures that were used to create the fusion stored in some "mental vault" that is separated from the fusion's own personality? and if so, are the personalities in this "vault" awake and can view the world through the fusion's eyes or are they dormant and are unaware to their situation? can the Fusion's persona interact with the other personalities?
2) Do you think that Shamad can be a good villain?
3) When Toa Tuyet uses her mask of intangibility, does this mask power affects her tools and everything she carries as well? like her barbed sword and the Nui stone?
4) Do you think that Miserix will agree to cooperate with Teridax from the Melding alternate unieverse, after years of harboring so much hate to Teridax from his own universe?
5) I know that you are being asked a lot about this, but this is a question about the great beings- are they glatorian by species, or are they robots or organic beings? (since you stated that they are not energy based beings).
6) Can Annona travel through space? and also, how far can she scan areas with her mind?
7) Can Annona grand psionic powers to beings that don't have a physical body? if a fusion really does has a storage of all the personas of the creatures who merged into it, and they are awake, can Annona communicate with the stored personas, and give them psionic powers?
8) What are Nektann's vision power and third power?
9) Was Zaktan aware that he will be fused when he entered the EP pool in his protodite cloud form?
Thank you again for your time, Greg. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2016-12-12 11:55 UTC–5 Permalink
1) Before I answer this, I think I would want to know where the first answer came from -- a story, one of my answers, etc. That way I know if I am contradicting something. 2) Manually, and no, he cannot come back from the dead on his own. 3) I would say no. 4) No 5) The latter. |
keplers | 2016-12-12 21:06 UTC–5 PermalinkHello! I hope you're doing well this holiday season and that you'll be able to spend it the way you want to the most.
I have a question regarding Rahkshi -- we know that a Kraata put into Energized Protodermis will turn into a Rahkshi shell, and a Kraata of any Stage put into a shell will be able to access Stage 6 powers. My question is this: are Rahkshi shells more effective when higher-level Kraata are used in the process, or are they the same regardless of the Kraata's level? |
MrFaber321 | 2016-12-13 07:06 UTC–5 Permalink![]() ![]() |
ScribeGT6817 | 2016-12-13 12:27 UTC–5 Permalink
I don't know, I can't see why it would matter if it was Ignika's first, second or last curse. A curse is a curse, the power works the same way all the time so I don't see why the Ignika would be able to reverse all but one. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2016-12-13 12:31 UTC–5 Permalink
They're the same. |
voporak1 | 2016-12-13 23:45 UTC–5 PermalinkHello Mr Greg
1. You consider the MU as a kind of equivalent of a universe? For example, the islands could be the planets, The thoughts of Mata Nui: the stars etc. Plus, the MU has its own space-time continuum.
2. There's something you said in the Farsthey Feed that I dont understand, You said that a Toa of gravity could at least destroy a planet if he create a Nova Blast. But you recently said that all Nova Blast have the same potential of destruction, so any Nova Blast can destroy a planet? If so, when Gali has created a Nova Blast why this did not destroy the MU if she could have destroy a planet with a NB?
ScribeGT6817 | 2016-12-14 10:23 UTC–5 Permalink
1) No, I don't. The Matoran do. 2) Since the MU is an artificial environment, the odds are there are safeguards to protect other domes from a nova blast that takes place in one. But if you think about, most Toa powers would, if unleashed uncontrolled, have the ability to either do serious physical damage to a planet that might a) destroy it or b) render it incapable of supporting life or c) wipe out most of the life on a planet. If Gali's powers caused the sea level of Aqua Magna to rise sufficiently, maybe it floods most of the landmasses and kills much of the population. |
junior743 | 2016-12-14 11:27 UTC–5 Permalink
4.If so,how does Velika work?Is he a Great Being in the body of a Po-Matoran or a Great Being that looks like a Po-Matoran? |