2013-07-03 08:58 UTC–5
Well, I knew LEGO wouldn't do something like that unless it was the right thing for the company -- it is better to end something while it is still successful than wait for it to fail. Personally, of course, I was sad about it, because I loved playing in that world.
2013-07-03 08:59 UTC–5
1) He already has a name.
2) Right now, they are, because I don't have the free time to work on them.
2013-07-03 08:59 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1) I came to work for LEGO in late 2000. 2) Super Heroes, probably, although I liked Monster Hunters a lot too. 3) Read a lot.

You mean Monster Fighters? Joking

2013-07-03 09:00 UTC–5
I had to give priority to my office work, the books I had contracts for, and taking care of my little girl. I just didn't have time to do a good job on the stories anymore.
2013-07-03 09:00 UTC–5
I didn't. Ninjago wasn't created by me.
2013-07-03 09:01 UTC–5
Hi Sam - I don't write for the TV series, so I actually didn't do any of that Smile
2013-07-03 09:02 UTC–5
1) Keep in mind a long time had gone by between LOMN and the start of the 2001 story. He got stronger. 2) That was really a set design thing, not a story thing.
2013-07-03 09:03 UTC–5
Hi Bryan - I hear you, but it's not a decision I have any influence over. It's something that the folks who run LEGO Company have to deal with. I just write stuff Smile
2013-07-03 09:04 UTC–5
I liked them. The only one I was personally involved with was the last one, I wrote the story for that one.
2013-07-03 09:04 UTC–5
No idea.
2013-07-03 09:04 UTC–5

Dear Greg Farshtey,


Was BIONICLE your favorite story you wrote? I kmow it's mine.

2013-07-03 09:05 UTC–5
My favorite BIONICLE was Time Trap. My favorite Hero Factory was probably Dark Mirror Universe, and my favorite Ninjago so far was Stone Cold.
2013-07-03 09:06 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:
I didn't. Ninjago wasn't created by me.



You... are even... awesomer... THAN MATA NUI!!!!!!



2013-07-03 09:07 UTC–5

diglett809 wrote:

Hello Greg. I am a HUGE Bionicle fanHappy! I loved Bionicle from beginning to end. My question is: What is your favorite Toa? I personally am a Tahu fan(the original Tahu was the first Bionicle set I got). I still play Mata Nui Online Game to this day, I love watching the videos too! I also play many old Bionicle games on the Biomedia Project. Also, I didn't know that you had anything to do with NinjagoSurprised. Personally, I am not a big Ninjago fan, but I still love BionicleSmile.

Forget this, you told somebody else already that your favorite character is Kopaka.

2013-07-03 09:08 UTC–5

Greg, are you allowed to friend us with the new friends widget? If so, can I add you?