tiche9999 | 2015-10-27 15:01 UTC–5 PermalinkGreg-Sama, few more questions.
Have you read the Toa's Apprentice fic, or any set in the same universe/concept?
If you haven't, you should. It's a great idea.
When (years) was the raid on Artakha (BGC)?
puma7372 | 2015-10-27 18:50 UTC–5 PermalinkThe Dark Times being the time between the Great Catacylsm and the coming of the Toa. What were the other Makuta, and the OoMN and Dark Hunters doing for that matter? |
puma7372 | 2015-10-27 21:09 UTC–5 Permalink1. Would any Toa's elemental powers be affected in a vacuum e.g. fire not catching, water boiling, plasma dissipating? 2. Can the Kanohi Nuva impose their effects in other beings without affecting the user? E.g. a Hau Nuva user cast a forcefield around another person but not themselves, Miru Nuva levitating a foe, Kaukau Nuva suffocating someone. 3. How did Velika kill Tren Krom such that he was disseminated in such a gruesome manner? 4. Did Matoran ever have a recreational fighting practice similar to the Glatorian system? 5. Are Matoran part of Steltian society? 6. Do you think that on Spherus Magna all the MU societies would dissolved, or would some social orders remain e.g. the caste system on Stelt? 7. Was Zaktan's consciousness dispersed across every protodite, or were there specific individuals which made up his brain, for example? 8. Do you think Alternate Teridax would have associated with the Toa? Would they have trusted him? 9. Are Skrall, Vorox and Glatorian all diffeent species, or do they simply describe drastically different cultures? Would they be able to have children together?
Thanks for reading |
ScribeGT6817 | 2015-10-28 08:28 UTC–5 Permalink
Pretty much what they had always done. The only Matoran missing from the MU were the Metru Nui Matoran, so the other areas were still active and the Makuta were still overseeing them. The OOMN was probably more active, but the DH would have been operating fairly consistently with what they were doing before. |
nekaTydaerlA | 2015-10-29 03:39 UTC–5 Permalink
No idea. Not involved with G2. Hold on, Greg! I know I'm late in the game, but I have also read your books, and I know you played a major part in Bionicle. You're credited in the latest video of Bionicle's webisodes - is that merely for the original concept, then? If so, who is developing the new story for Bionicle?
Just thought I'd ask. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2015-10-29 10:17 UTC–5 Permalink
Well, I didn't come up with the original concept for G1 or G2 -- G1 already existed before I came to work at LEGO Company, and G2 was mapped out before I ever saw any of it. There is a story team for G2, just as there was for G1, consisting of I am sure people in the same roles as we had for the G1 team. I am simply not on it. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2015-10-29 10:23 UTC–5 Permalink
1) Yes, but a Toa in a vacuum would most likely be dead anyway 2) Not to my knowledge
3) Not something I feel we need to go into detail on. What you can imagine will be much worse than what I could write down.
4) No
5) I believe so
6) I think that initially what you will see is what happens in many places with large immigrant populations, namely that they tend to cluster together at first.
7) I believe it was dispersed in general. Too dangerous otherwise. 8) Yes, and if he proved himself, yes
9) I don't think they are radically different species, no. I am sure there are some differences, but probably not enough to prevent inter-breeding |
ScribeGT6817 | 2015-10-29 10:24 UTC–5 Permalink
1) I don't read fan fiction 2) I don't have a set timeline for these things. I might have at one point, but it is long gone by now |
nekaTydaerlA | 2015-10-29 13:03 UTC–5 Permalink
So, I guess this means that if we have any questions about Gen2, we should ask... Ryder Windham? |
Woodstock05 | 2015-10-29 22:34 UTC–5 Permalinkcool! are they making star wars graphic novels ohhhhhhhhh do you work at papercutz itself or just ninjago? i just gotta know!!!!!!!! i have so many questions about smurfs! |
jacobvarenkamp | 2015-10-29 23:28 UTC–5 Permalink
O come on, your stories are great, and I think you would make a great edition, who here agrees with me? |
nekaTydaerlA | 2015-10-30 04:44 UTC–5 Permalink
I can answer that. Papercutz is a separate company, which Farshtey is only mentioned because they compiled the Bionicle comics into graphic novels.
Right, Farshtey? |
nekaTydaerlA | 2015-10-30 04:47 UTC–5 Permalink
I agree, but LEGO has to be willing to accept Farshtey back. |
BygaHobotoss | 2015-10-30 06:40 UTC–5 PermalinkHi, Greg! I'm a real fan of both Bionicle and Ninjago, and I've read some of your Bionicle stories (the ones I liked most were the Mutran Chronicles, the Federation of Fear and the Final Battle; you know, for me it's interesting to see a situation from a villain's point of view
I've got some questions, Greg.
1) Did the Skrall and the Vorox participate in Glatorian combats?
2) What's the difference between the Skrall and the Bone Hunters? They look almost the same.
3) What's your favourite Makuta?
4) When you created the Mask of Life, did you associate it with Mata Nui?
5) Why Av-Matoran can use their elemental energy, an Ta-Matoran, for example, can't?
6) What are the origins of Protodermis?
7) Were Toa Mata once matoran, like Toa Metru or Toa Inika?
8) How do Av-Matoran turn into Bohrok?
9) Why didn't Toa Mari mutate in the Pit?
10) Why didn't Miserix fight Teridax when Teridax grasped the power out of his hands?
nekaTydaerlA | 2015-10-30 16:39 UTC–5 Permalink Hey, everybody! I think the mods will agree with me that we're swarming Greg with too many questions at a time. Greg does a little bit more than just answer questions, so if you're disappointed that he's not responding to all of them, perhaps you should try feeding them to this forum one post at a time. Also, before you post a question, check out any previous Bionicle Gen1 material (books, comics, blogs etc.) to make sure your question doesn't already have an answer. |