ScribeGT6817 | 2015-08-21 11:01 UTC–5 Permalink
Nothing ever existed of that book but the title. It was cancelled before I ever wrote it. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2015-08-21 12:23 UTC–5 Permalink
Captain America |
ScribeGT6817 | 2015-08-21 12:23 UTC–5 Permalink
Yup. I never liked the 2005 story. Neither did the web producer at the time. |
Keilax | 2015-08-21 13:22 UTC–5 PermalinkHi, Mr farchety, I'm back again with some more questions.
1) Who decided that there was to be no time travel in BIONICLE? 2) Why was it decided there was to be no time travel in BIONICLE? 3) There's one thing I never can quite understand about the Mask of Elemental Energy. It says it can recharge a Toa's Elemental Energy 'but only once'. Does this mean that it is only good for one charge, period? Or just that Toa? Or does it mean one charge and then a recharge/cooldown period? Because, if the first, then there must be a lot of them...
Thank you. |
spinjitzukennn | 2015-08-21 13:48 UTC–5 PermalinkIs there any themes you want to write stories about? Jammers
sorry if this was asked... there are so many slides... |
ouberry | 2015-08-21 14:24 UTC–5 PermalinkWhat is your favorite theme, not counting the ones you wrote? |
ScribeGT6817 | 2015-08-21 14:27 UTC–5 Permalink
1) The story team 2) Because time travel makes a mess. If somebody can go back and save Mata Nui from going into a coma, then the whole story is over, just like that. And if they can't change anything in the past, then time travel is largely useless in story.
3) It's a one-use mask, because it was based on a one-use power-up in a video game. |
sepublic22 | 2015-08-21 14:31 UTC–5 Permalink
What parts did you like? You seem to be happy with Roodaka (or at least, that's the impression I'm under). |
ScribeGT6817 | 2015-08-21 15:03 UTC–5 PermalinkJust another one of those things I spotted on the web and felt I should respond to.
I saw a post today in which someone referred to "the decision not to end BIONICLE with Mask of Light threw a monkey wrench" into the story.
No such decision was ever made, because Mask of Light was never intended to be the end of BIONICLE. That was a rumor on fansites, and the reason I first started interacting with fans online was to correct it. Even if that had been the intent, Rahkshi sales were so strong in '03 that the company never would have cancelled the line.
And yes, '04 was planned out from the beginning. '05 was not -- '05 was a response to the fact that so much time had been invested in creating Metru Nui that it was felt it would be a shame to use the location for only one year. |
voporak1 | 2015-08-21 15:45 UTC–5 PermalinkHello Mr Greg
1.The Zamor sphere that Hakhan has used to steal Brutaka's powers could it steal the power of a Makuta?
2.The planets of the Solis Magna system have they all the word《Magna》 at the end of their names? Such as example, Terra Magna, Nuva Magna I said anything but as I mentioned, it's just an example.
3.Does the Great Beings have used a source of power to create the Ignika and maybe the mask of creation?
4.Spherus Magna has the most advanced civilization of the Solis Magna system?
5.If someone combines the three legendary masks he becomes omnipotent or maybe nigh omnipotent. |
GBailey46 | 2015-08-21 16:35 UTC–5 PermalinkHey Greg,
Just a simple question: wear there equivalents to a 'doctor/mechanic' role in the Matoran or Spherus Magna universe? I feel as though, just as machinery wears out, part replacement would be prevelant in the BIONICLE lore.
Thanks. |
Trenzalord11 | 2015-08-21 20:23 UTC–5 PermalinkHey Greg!
Although it'll most likely never happen for many reasons, what would you think of a feature-length animated Bionicle film that wasn't in the LEGO universe (in terms of aesthetic design)? All of the characters would be realistic looking (compared to the LEGO figures, at least).
If executed well enough, I think it would be a cool take on the universe and would be palpable to average moviegoers. My question is, would you like to see it, or do you think it's best to keep Bionicle in the LEGO-verse?
Thank you. :) |
diglett809 | 2015-08-21 21:18 UTC–5 Permalink
Wow, I never knew that |
ScribeGT6817 | 2015-08-22 08:57 UTC–5 Permalink
There actually was talk of a feature film a few times during BIONICLE's first run, but the studios always wanted human children/teens inserted into the story and the BIONICLE team said no. Anyway, if BIONICLE becomes a huge hit like it did last time, anything's possible, I guess. Whether or not it would be a good idea would really depend on what the design team for the movie did with it.
As for whether I would see it, I really don't go to the movies much anymore and it wouldn't be aimed at me. So unless I had some hand in its creation (also unlikely), probably not. |
Andrew31kbrick… | 2015-08-23 00:20 UTC–5 Permalink
Buried |