raymondmay11 |
Did Ninjago "borrow" any ideas from Bionicle? In the first year story, the Ninja went on a quest to collect golden weapons to unlock their elemental powers. In the first year story for Bionicle, the Toa went to find Golden masks to unlock their elemental powers. Both years end with the heroes entering the domain of their enemy, and defeating him. (The ninja entered the Underworld and destroyed Samukai; in Bionicle, the Toa Mata "defeated" Teridax). Also, both themes had half year stories, Lloyd's battle with the Overlord was similar to Takanuva's battle with Teridax, both themes had reptilian foes (the serpentine and the rakshi), both themes had mechanical foes (the Vahki and the nindroids), and both themes had a "chosen one" (Lloyd and Takanuva)
Coobrickdan |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
newzgooat wrote: Ya but... If they were 13-15 they wouldn't be old enough to drive so maybe 16... Honestly I think this is a question that won't be answered... Or most likely not to be answered
I can always ask the Ninjago folk. Do keep in mind, though, that driving age on Earth is 16, but they are not on Earth.
If I recall correctly, aren't the teachers at the start of REBOOTED? Also, more questions! 1) Is there any possible way for a Turaga to turn back into a Toa? 2) Which are your favourite elements from Bioncle and Ninjago? 3) Who would win: the Toa Nuva or the Ninja?
Shougun70 |
Shougun70 wrote:
Shougun70 wrote:
Hi Mr. Farshtey! I'm back. I was wondering if the structure on set 8530's box art was an actual location on Mata Nui (it showed a stone wall with busts of all the types of Kanohi protruding from the wall). I know it wasn't featured in any story but is it a minor shire abandoned and forgotten in the Rahi War or a sculpture in a village or part of a temple or something? Lastly, I know that MNOG is supposed to be mostly cannon, and all the Bionicle stories say that there were only six villages in Mata Nui, but I was wondering: are there other, miniscule settlements outside of the main villages (infinitesimal settlements not worthy of note)? Again, I know that only the main six were talked about, but 1. Taipu and Onepu made a small, temporary settlement before their Kohlii match in Ga-Koro, 2. a minor Le-Matoran encampment is shown in the Bohrok animations, and 3. Kini-Nui and different structures in "Bionicle: The Game" suggest that their are, or used to be, settlements outside of the main six villages, even showing what appears to be a tiny hamlet of four houses labelled as "Ko-Koro". Is it the Ko-Koro outskirts, or just another "Ice Village" ("Ko-Koro"). Their were also large Matoran-made towers in Po-Wahi, suggesting that the area was once populated or at the very least had a patrol from the Po-Koro Guard living there. Were their other settlements or "Koro"s, even if they only contain three or four Matoran or were only used for a short time (i.e. a battle camp)? Buried
Buried! Sorry its so long...
Buried again. But while I'm at it... DId you ever join Model United Nations when you went to school?
ScribeGT6817 |
raymondmay11 wrote: Did Ninjago "borrow" any ideas from Bionicle? In the first year story, the Ninja went on a quest to collect golden weapons to unlock their elemental powers. In the first year story for Bionicle, the Toa went to find Golden masks to unlock their elemental powers. Both years end with the heroes entering the domain of their enemy, and defeating him. (The ninja entered the Underworld and destroyed Samukai; in Bionicle, the Toa Mata "defeated" Teridax). Also, both themes had half year stories, Lloyd's battle with the Overlord was similar to Takanuva's battle with Teridax, both themes had reptilian foes (the serpentine and the rakshi), both themes had mechanical foes (the Vahki and the nindroids), and both themes had a "chosen one" (Lloyd and Takanuva)
I wasn't involved with the creation of the Ninjago story, but that said, the things you mentioned are not things BIONICLE invented. The quest story, entering your enemy's domain to defeat him, Chosen Ones, all that date back thousands of years. There are only a small number of plots and all stories are just rearrangements of them. So it is not surprising to see general similarities between two stories.
HarpoonJaeger |
Do all female Bionicle characters have breasts? Or are those just a vortixx thing?
ThePurifiedOne |
I've always wondered, how much casualities were there in the Toa-Dark Hunter War? How many beings lost their lives?
NatoGreavesy |
NatoGreavesy wrote:
Hello Greg, I recently got into a debate regarding the distinction between a Vo-Toa's elemental powers and the Rahkshi ability of Chain Lightning. I was hoping to get your input on the subject, since BS01 and other sources use the terms Lightning and Electricity interchangeably, while Chain Lightning seems to be treated as a very different power. The way I've always seen it is that a Vo-Toa's ability is more akin to man-made electricity: it can be applied in a lot more ways, controlled far more easily, but is weaker overall when compared to naturally occuring electricity (lightning). On the flipside, I've viewed Chain Lightning as basically being electricity in its natural state: raw, devestating, and far more powerful and damaging than anything man-made. But it's limited solely to the creation of lightning bolts, as opposed to the multitude of other abilities a Vo-Toa has access to. So I'm curious as to what your take is on the issue?
I think this got buried.
HarpoonJaeger |
Are there any anatomical differencies between male and female characters in BIONICLE? Are, for example, male characters usually taller and broader than females?
toanuva867 |
Did the Toa Mata have Toa Disks? Thank you!
kyle7475 |
Hey Greg, have you seen the Bionicle Gen 2 web series, and if so what do you think of them?
WillBrownman |
1) Did Kanoka exist on Mata Nui? Some Matoran have different masks from their Metru Nui masks, and I doubt they got new ones in the time between Metru-Mata. 2) Is it possible for there to be more Kanohi Nuva than the ones we've seen? EG Huna Nuva? 3) Do Sidorak's species and Keetongu's species have a name that you know of? 4) What do the revived... dudes... do in the Red Star have, like, jobs there? What do they do with their spare time? Thanks! 
algodrew |
Sorry if you don't know this but I'll ask again. algodrew wrote:
Greg, Sorry if this was asked before, but was Tren Krom made by the Great Beings in the image of Annona? Both are crimson, gelatanious, tentacled organic masses.
Wilmerkardell |
Hi Greg! 1. Are any of the following: Axonn, Brutaka, Hydraxon, Umbra, Trinuma or the Shadow One one of a kind? 2. Do Glatorian/Agori reproduce like mammals? 3. Can a Mohtrek be used to summon past version of the user with diffrent form or kanohi? Thanks!
bubbameister10 |
Dear Greg, I think you should consider another ttv interview. According to this, it seems they want you back, in a reply they sent to a commentor on one of their videos"We asked Greg a while ago, and he seemed reluctant because he feels as if he may be "old news" and that we would be more interested in interviewing people working on the new line. We'd love the opportunity to talk to him again, but I don't think it's in the cards at this moment." Greg, they want to talk to you, but you got to accept that you are not old news. You basically raised bionicle, for ten years you did this. so please consider
TomGyroid |
1. You said the BIONICLE books were set in the "movie universe". Are there alternate universes for the visual aesthetics of the BIONICLE universe or something? 2. (Sorry for bringing this up again) Is anything featuring LEGO system with BIONICLE outside of The LEGO Movie non-canon? (Studios Backlot game, LEGO Club Black Eyed Piece Music Video, Glatorians LEGO Cinema advertisement, etc.)