2015-02-26 20:03 UTC–5
On the Home for the Ninjago page on LEGO.com, it reads "Have you collected the Ninjago icons in the leaflet?" Where and how do we get this leaflet?
2015-02-27 16:25 UTC–5

I just doublechecked, and it looks like I was wrong. It said "He is resting." However, in Mask of Light Lewa does refer to the Ash Bear Jaller and Takua encounters as female.

2015-02-27 16:30 UTC–5

raymondmay11 wrote:
On the Home for the Ninjago page on LEGO.com, it reads "Have you collected the Ninjago icons in the leaflet?" Where and how do we get this leaflet?

Sorry, no idea what that refers to.

2015-02-27 16:32 UTC–5

raymondmay11 wrote:
1. Can we edit our posts on the message boards? And if so, how?
2. Is the Golden Skinned being a Skaldi or a completely different creature?
3.What is the Shadowed One's real name?
4. When are the season 4 Ninjago episodes airing in the U.S.?
5. At the NYCC 2014, there were 7 14K gold BIONICLE masks on display. They were the 6 new toa masks and the Mask of Creation. If they are to be given away, how will they, and will they come with the display stands?

1) I believe there is a menu for editing after something is posted

2) Completely different

3) No plans to reveal that

4) No idea

5) I am not involved at all with BIONICLE 2015, so I don't have any info on this.

2015-02-27 18:23 UTC–5

Why isn't LEGO having you write the new Bionicle books? Your old ones were really good.

2015-02-27 23:00 UTC–5
In chapter 3 of "Federation of Fear", it says "Carapar grumbled something unspeakably foul." Was he swearing, or was he muttering insults?

2. I bought Barraki Pridak online for $25 (Last year). The box shows the blood around his mouth, however, almost the entire head of the set is red. What happened?

3. In "Destiny War", it states that Nektann is taller than the average Skaldi. How come he's shorter than the Piraka in his set?!
2015-02-28 01:10 UTC–5
Thank you so much!
I have a few more questions about Bionicle.
1. Did Artahka create the mask of shadows?
1a. If so, did he use Kanoka disks?
2. How long has the Red Star been non-functional?
3. What did the original League of Six Kingdoms' armies consist of? Matoran? Skakdi?
4. Could the Mistika Makuta still create rahi or rahkshi?
5. How could the Red Star transform Jaller, Hahli, etc. into Toa?
6. If you had permission from LEGO, would you continue the Yesterday Quest and the Powers That Be?
Thank you!
2015-02-28 10:34 UTC–5

lalajujunini wrote:

lalajujunini wrote:

1. would the "destined" matoran (nuhrii, tehutti, ehrye, orkaham, vhisola, and ahkmou) have called themselves by the same name (toa metru) if they had become toa?


2. we know what their (pre-stated matoran) masks would have been, but would their weapons have been the same as the toa metru of their element?


3. if a matoran nui of destined matoran was given 6 toa stones, would they become a toa nui (despite the normal impossibility of this) or would the nui have shattered and resulted in 6 toa?


4. in Time Trap, you said that vakama built Nuju's teloscopic sight onto his mask, does this mean that most Matatu would be symmetrical and not hace the teloscope? (pg. 35 if you're curious)


5. are all matoran the same build as the metru nui matoran sets? (since the Tohunga were shrunken, the Rebuilt Mata Nui Matoran were rebuilt shrunken, the Karda Nui Av-matoran were absorbing light, and the Voya Nui were "fixed" shrunken)


6. verifying- is Barraki the name of the six leaders only, and the League of Six Kingdoms is the organization?


7. is each Barraki a different species?


8. how close are the Barraki sets to their original form?


9. are there any of them that are species we are familiar with?


10. could a toa of iron modify his armor, non-organic body peices, and weapons, maybe even change between weapons at any given time? (providing he had enough elemental power)



2015-02-28 10:35 UTC–5

lalajujunini wrote:

lalajujunini wrote:

Boidoh wrote:

lalajujunini wrote:

1. is there the possibility of other prototypes than the Av-matoran? matoran, toa, turaga (or similar beings), of sand, etc.


2. if so, since they didn't show up in the MU, are the stored in stasis on SM?


3. could a vote be held for the ending of Powers that Be, Yesterday Quest, and trivia like Orde's mask power, Zaria's mask power, wether or not Zaria had turned evil and smashed all his opponents, where Gaardus whent off to, etc.?


call out to anyone who reads this (especially Boidoh): I am not good at running votings/polls, if yes to the above, will someone run it for me?



I'd assume Greg would say yes to stuff like Orde's and Zaria's Mask Power, the other stuff wouldn't be exactly the stuff a poll can get the results of. I'd be willing to run it.

I have been considering this, and have thus rephrased the question:


3. what are Orde and Zaria's mask powers?


3.5. was Zaria actually evil, or was that just a rumor?



2015-02-28 11:24 UTC–5

1. in the Legend Reborn, in each tribe, the Agori were identical. I always assumed that they had some color and shape variation, like Matoran, and humans. Was this an anmator error, or is it canon?

2. did a normal toa look like the toa metru (cause Toa Nuve were built, Mahri came from rebuilt matoran with lighting, Takanuva was made from a rebuilt matoran, and the Toa Hagah had special extra armor)?

3. is Lhikan's Hau in the shape of a Noble Hau?

4. Did normal turaga look like Dume (cause we have no reason to believe he was abnormal) or like the Turaga Metru (because they were normal and made from normal matoran)?

5. did Makuta have access to Antidermis (it appears not in Destiny War)?

5b. can Makuta reproduce- create more Makuta from Antidermis, separate their antidermis into another being, etc.?

6. are ALL Bohrok dead Av-Matoran; a LOT must have died, and that seems unlikely

7. you have said that the Toa Stones on Mata Nui were made by the Toa Metru to make more Toa:

7a. I thought they used their Toa Power to wake up the matoran, turning them into Turaga, so where did the get that power?

7b. is this the reason that their are only 6 stones, 1 for each Toa, when Lhikan made 6 all by himself (because they only had a little left)?

7c. after Takua used the Stones as a beacon, are they still full? (meaning that they have the ability to turn a Matoran into a Toa)

7d. were those 6 stones the same ones that Lhikan gave to them (saved and later refilled by the Toa Metru)?

2015-02-28 12:24 UTC–5

at the moment there is a canon weapon (Tuyet and a few others' weapon) without a canon set form, producing inconsistency in MOCing, so my question is:


Could you canonize this piece as the Barbed Broadsword?

- seen at the front of the Jetrax T6

- poking out the front of the sides of the Thornatus V9

- half of Krika's front stilts (in a non-metallic coloring)


my defense:

- comes in 3 sets, 2 in a mettalic color and one in a not, which is both more variation and occurs in more sets that most BIONICLE weapons

- is actually barbed, which is better that some MOC attempts

- occurs in one very common set, and 2 pretty common ones

- is a perfect size

- finally offers a solution to the mystery of the missing sword


I haven't heard any other ideas, and so I am offering this

Tell me if you have trouble figuring out what piece i'm talking about (try google images of those sets)

2015-02-28 14:09 UTC–5

 Hi Greg!


I just wanted to ask which appearence of Turaga Dume is canon - from the movie or set?

2015-02-28 17:38 UTC–5

How effective is Ehlek's species in a battle with the Makuta?

2015-03-01 06:59 UTC–5

Does Lloyd still control fire, earth, ice, and lightning?

2015-03-01 15:22 UTC–5

whos morro?