ScribeGT6817 |
KoolKai7 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
KoolKai7 wrote:
Do the Toa have control over their adaptive armor?
What kind of control?
I meant are they able to have there armor adapt whenever they want (for example, if Tahu wanted to change his weapon, could he do it?).
ScribeGT6817 |
Hello! Just one question: would a Toa of Sonics be able to use their control over the vibration of atoms to heat things up?
This has become buried.
And buried again.
And yet again!
Not buried, just pondering the answer.
Gresh113 |
Gresh113 wrote:
Gresh113 wrote:
Can you create a mask worn by a Kiata(Mask of wisdom or Mask of Valor, for example) by carving a disk created by combining the disks required to create the masks of the Toa who are part of the Kiata?
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
Hello! Just one question: would a Toa of Sonics be able to use their control over the vibration of atoms to heat things up?
This has become buried.
And buried again.
And yet again!
Not buried, just pondering the answer.
Fair enough, apologies for the misunderstanding. I shall let you ponder.
Hello! I just have a few questions: 1. Why exactly do you have no plans to make comics for the 2015 theme?  2. Does the 2015 story take place in its own universe? 3. Do the Great Beings exist in the 2015 storyline? 4. Is Ekimu supposed to be the 2015 storyline's "equivalent" to Mata Nui? Or does Mata Nui still exist in the 2015 story? 5. How much does LEGO pay you? Those are all my questions for now! Please take your time to answer them all. 
Wamsutta |
Wamsutta wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1a) Correct. It has nothing to do with intelligence, it has to do with the fact that the Makuta make replacement Rahi as needed, so the RS is not required. 1b) No 1c) No 1d) No. It would if it tried to download AI from him, but that has not happened. The only thing the RS looks for is, is a given type of being dead or not? 2) The virus had been released before that. That is why Mata Nui attempted to trick the Makuta about who the destined Toa Metru were. 3) That is because it was a multi-part plan. Had he been able to gain control over the Metru Nui Matoran, he would have controlled Mata Nui's brain and been de facto running the robot. As for Matoro, it never made sense to let Mata Nui die permanently, because then the MU ends. But he had to have him brought back to life at just the right time, so Makuta could seize control of the robot.
1) How did the Red Star know not to search for the Makuta species anymore? Did a Kestora recognize their evolution and reprogram the Red Star to not search for them? 2) So Mata Nui knew he had been betrayed and initiated this plan? Do we know when the virus was released? If not, could we simply say that it was when Teridax came to Metru Nui? 3) So Teridax wanted to stop the Matoran from returning to Metru Nui and resuming work there? What plan was he formulated during the Mata Nui island saga?
I believe that this got buried under all the other questions.
Wamsutta |
Wamsutta wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1a) Correct. It has nothing to do with intelligence, it has to do with the fact that the Makuta make replacement Rahi as needed, so the RS is not required. 1b) No 1c) No 1d) No. It would if it tried to download AI from him, but that has not happened. The only thing the RS looks for is, is a given type of being dead or not? 2) The virus had been released before that. That is why Mata Nui attempted to trick the Makuta about who the destined Toa Metru were. 3) That is because it was a multi-part plan. Had he been able to gain control over the Metru Nui Matoran, he would have controlled Mata Nui's brain and been de facto running the robot. As for Matoro, it never made sense to let Mata Nui die permanently, because then the MU ends. But he had to have him brought back to life at just the right time, so Makuta could seize control of the robot.
1) How did the Red Star know not to search for the Makuta species anymore? Did a Kestora recognize their evolution and reprogram the Red Star to not search for them? 2) So Mata Nui knew he had been betrayed and initiated this plan? Do we know when the virus was released? If not, could we simply say that it was when Teridax came to Metru Nui? 3) So Teridax wanted to stop the Matoran from returning to Metru Nui and resuming work there? What plan was he formulated during the Mata Nui island saga?
Sorry for the two other questions. 4) What knowledge did Teridax have that Matoro was supposed to put on the Kanohi Ignika and save Mata Nui's life? Did he see this when he took over Matoro's body when Matoro was a Toa Inika during the Voya Nui arc? 5) I'm slightly confused on the notion of a third robot built by the Great Beings. In an earlier comment you were saying how it was Makuta's job to help Mata Nui put Spherus Magna back together. When exactly was this established?
rockmonster2000 |
Hi Mr. Farshtey, I have a few questions for you: 1)What happaned to all of the bohrok after the matoran universe was destroyed? And if they survived, did they just go back into hibernation? 2)Did Pridak and the other Barraki try to rebuild their empires on the reformed Spherus Magna? 3)What happaned to all of the land and ocean rahi after Aqua Magna crashed into Bara Magna? 4)What exactly is the red star? What is its purpose? Thank you! All the best, Rockmonster2000
voporak1 |
voporak1 wrote:
Hello Mr Greg i have some questions to ask you. 1. The Red Star can generate a magnetic field around it to protect it from asteroid fields when it is in orbit around a planet? 2. This is a purely theoretical question. If the red star would depart from its position for some reason while that Mata Nui is in a planet. is what the red star could to teleport where it was originally? 3. A Toa would be able to alter his element as he wishes such as to change a small flameche into a huge fire or change a fire into a sword or a bridge?
KoolKai7 |
AJRAWLEY5700 wrote:
Hello! I just have a few questions: 1. Why exactly do you have no plans to make comics for the 2015 theme?  2. Does the 2015 story take place in its own universe? 3. Do the Great Beings exist in the 2015 storyline? 4. Is Ekimu supposed to be the 2015 storyline's "equivalent" to Mata Nui? Or does Mata Nui still exist in the 2015 story? 5. How much does LEGO pay you? Those are all my questions for now! Please take your time to answer them all. 
4. Artakha seems to be more of the equivalent to Ekimu.
ScribeGT6817 |
AJRAWLEY5700 wrote:
Hello! I just have a few questions: 1. Why exactly do you have no plans to make comics for the 2015 theme?  2. Does the 2015 story take place in its own universe? 3. Do the Great Beings exist in the 2015 storyline? 4. Is Ekimu supposed to be the 2015 storyline's "equivalent" to Mata Nui? Or does Mata Nui still exist in the 2015 story? 5. How much does LEGO pay you? Those are all my questions for now! Please take your time to answer them all. 
1) Whether or not we do comics is up to the BIONICLE marketing team and how they want to spend their budget. I don't know what their plans are going forward, but I do know doing comics is REALLY expensive. 2-4) I can't answer questions regarding new BIONICLE story, because i am not on the BIONICLE story team this time around. 5) Enough.
ScribeGT6817 |
Wamsutta wrote:
Wamsutta wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
1a) Correct. It has nothing to do with intelligence, it has to do with the fact that the Makuta make replacement Rahi as needed, so the RS is not required. 1b) No 1c) No 1d) No. It would if it tried to download AI from him, but that has not happened. The only thing the RS looks for is, is a given type of being dead or not? 2) The virus had been released before that. That is why Mata Nui attempted to trick the Makuta about who the destined Toa Metru were. 3) That is because it was a multi-part plan. Had he been able to gain control over the Metru Nui Matoran, he would have controlled Mata Nui's brain and been de facto running the robot. As for Matoro, it never made sense to let Mata Nui die permanently, because then the MU ends. But he had to have him brought back to life at just the right time, so Makuta could seize control of the robot.
1) How did the Red Star know not to search for the Makuta species anymore? Did a Kestora recognize their evolution and reprogram the Red Star to not search for them? 2) So Mata Nui knew he had been betrayed and initiated this plan? Do we know when the virus was released? If not, could we simply say that it was when Teridax came to Metru Nui? 3) So Teridax wanted to stop the Matoran from returning to Metru Nui and resuming work there? What plan was he formulated during the Mata Nui island saga?
I believe that this got buried under all the other questions.
1) We don't know that the red star was ever programmed to bring Makuta back. 2) No, it would have been long after he was working in Metru Nui. We know Mata Nui was aware of it as of 2004 storyline. 3) In return for Vakama not smashing the Mask of Time ,Makuta had agreed to a 1000 year truce, which was expiring as 2001 story began. He would have eventually let the Matoran go back to Metru Nui, but on his schedule, not theirs.
ScribeGT6817 |
Sorry for the two other questions. 4) What knowledge did Teridax have that Matoro was supposed to put on the Kanohi Ignika and save Mata Nui's life? Did he see this when he took over Matoro's body when Matoro was a Toa Inika during the Voya Nui arc? 5) I'm slightly confused on the notion of a third robot built by the Great Beings. In an earlier comment you were saying how it was Makuta's job to help Mata Nui put Spherus Magna back together. When exactly was this established?
4) I know Biosector has the thing about Makuta possessing Matoro, but I do not recall what book that took place in. I have a recollection that that was going to happen in a story that was never published, which would mean it is not canon. 5) Either 2009 or 2010 storyline.
lavalness64 |
hi greg just a few questions: 1)if the toa mahri dream is to have Matoro back with them could the fusion golden being that is with the Skakdi make the toa mahri dreams true? 2)if the hydraxon from red star finds the dekar-hydraxon the last one would return to his original state? 3)which character do you think besides makuta teridax would be enough strong to defeat the shadowed one? 4)is brutaka controlling his own body or the antidermis? 5)is the kanohi ignika able to undo the curses from the great being that went insane and divide into his original state the dark hunter prototype? thanks and i hope you answer my questions
KoolKai7 wrote:
AJRAWLEY5700 wrote:
Hello! I just have a few questions: 1. Why exactly do you have no plans to make comics for the 2015 theme?  2. Does the 2015 story take place in its own universe? 3. Do the Great Beings exist in the 2015 storyline? 4. Is Ekimu supposed to be the 2015 storyline's "equivalent" to Mata Nui? Or does Mata Nui still exist in the 2015 story? 5. How much does LEGO pay you? Those are all my questions for now! Please take your time to answer them all. 
4. Artakha seems to be more of the equivalent to Ekimu.
I was thinking Ekimu was the equivalet to Mata Nui in this universe since he was Makuta's brother. 