baxbe1208 | 2013-07-09 17:43 UTC–5 Permalink
*Falls over* |
DragonWolf5 | 2013-07-09 18:03 UTC–5 Permalink
Awwwwwwwwww........ I liked them both and the books are awesome! what ever, I can still read The Doom Box 10 more times anyway. -DragonWolf5, the bunny ninja. |
nickvang_7_7_7 | 2013-07-09 18:22 UTC–5 PermalinkLook Greg, I just want you to understand this: How Bionicle and Hero Factory works: Greg Farshtey writes (other) books to make an epic, expanded story line, while he doesn't contradict with the toys and first three books/tv series (with the feeling: Haha, whatever I write will be canon Suckahs! (No offense))+ Fans from all over the world make great MOCs and share them amongst the internet to give each other inspiration and expand the story line even more for every individual, while they don't contradict with the toys, first three books/tv series and (other) books (with the feeling: it could be canon, it isn't, but it could be)= One epic story line and happiness and toys for everyone!
However, whenever any of these things malfunction, the theme will be stopped...
So be carefull about calling stuff 'fan-fiction', as it may hurt someone. We are all just as important for the theme. Like you said: Bionicle couldn't exist without its fans.
That is the story of the Bionicle! |
id4146 | 2013-07-09 18:36 UTC–5 Permalinkhi greg 2 story has it that you rote a script for Bionicle 5. is that trure? becaus i read it and it was good |
secter5 | 2013-07-09 19:58 UTC–5 PermalinkSo I grew up with Bionicle and am surprised there was even a mention of it in LEGO. So, will you ever bring it back? Or do you need the help of the young minds of today? My best friend Jordan and I were devastated when we learned that it was gone, and to this day, we still have building challenges between one another. So, will you revive it? Will you bring the GREATEST LEGO theme back? Please do. I am asking not just for myself, but the rest of us who loved it so much. Thanks for your time, sector5 |
secter5 | 2013-07-09 20:03 UTC–5 PermalinkSo I grew up with Bionicle and am surprised there was even a mention of it in LEGO. So, will you ever bring it back? Or do you need the help of the young minds of today? My best friend Jordan and I were devastated when we learned that it was gone, and to this day, we still have building challenges between one another. So, will you revive it? Will you bring the GREATEST LEGO theme back? Please do. I am asking not just for myself, but the rest of us who loved it so much. Thanks for your time, sector5 |
dolrado | 2013-07-09 20:07 UTC–5 PermalinkGreg childhood hero! I'm a 15 year old TFOL and a huge fan of your work with Bionicle. Questions for you...can I have your job?? No just kidding. Oh my gosh I can't believe I'm talking to you. Bionicle questions...why is it over?? Oh, I have a question. What was your favorite part of Bionicle? Was it the Piraka arc, or the Phantoka arc, or the Bhorak arc? Maybe it was the Visorak arc? Or the Toa Mahri and Barraki arc? |
ScribeGT6817 | 2013-07-09 20:12 UTC–5 Permalink
Oh, I have no idea. It's very unusual for one toy company to sell something to another, because we are all in competition. And a line like BIONICLE, even if you are not producing it, still has value because of its trademarks, name recognition, things like that. If you own it, you always have the option of bringing it back if you choose to. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2013-07-09 20:13 UTC–5 Permalink
1) Mmmm, not sure. 2) Not sure why everyone is so interested in this
3) Yes. I do have permission to do social media, but I cannot talk on an outside site to people under 13, and since BZP has no age verification, I can't chat there anymore. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2013-07-09 20:19 UTC–5 Permalink
1) Hasn't been revealed,and there are no future plans for BIONICLE story at this point, due to the cancellation of the line. 2) I have no plans to do so at this point
3) I did not plan my stories ahead, I wrote them as I went, so what exactly happened to him I had not planned out yet. But he certainly was not eaten, LEGO would never allow something like that!
4) No way to know. If it came back, I have no idea who would be on the story team or what the company would want to do.
5) Right now, no one at LEGO Company is asking me to write BIONICLE - they want me to focus on current lines like Ninjago and Chima. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2013-07-09 20:23 UTC–5 Permalink
1) It's pretty simple. I have a lot less spare time than I used to have, since my daughter was born, and what spare time I do have has to go toward writing for lines that are active, because that is what benefits LEGO Company most. Do I miss BIONICLE? Sure. But I am needed more to do Ninjago and Chima now. 3) Right now, unless the line comes back, I have no plans to do anything. 4) Not really, no. BIONICLE story was always intended as a way to promote awareness of the sets, so going back to write about characters who were no longer sets wouldn't have much sense. 5) You can, but I may not remember them well 6) No way to answer this. I have no idea if the line is ever coming back or if it does, what it will look like.
ScribeGT6817 | 2013-07-09 20:25 UTC–5 Permalink
1) Yes. Method of death doesn't really matter 2) Yes
3) I am going to say yes with a reservation, as I do not know if we established that it worked on beings outside the MU
4) See answer to #3
5) Did we say it was an instant disappearance? I don't recall. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2013-07-09 20:25 UTC–5 Permalink
I cannot discuss future storyline plans. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2013-07-09 20:26 UTC–5 Permalink
I have tried to avoid using Facebook for "work" -- it is for my friends and my family. I don't use Twitter really at all, as I think it is kind of dumb, and I don't have time to blog. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2013-07-09 20:27 UTC–5 Permalink
Oh, yes. We were discussing two more movies when it got cancelled. |