2014-11-12 13:33 UTC–5

voporak1 wrote:

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

voporak1 wrote:

Hello Greg I have some questions about the GB to ask you.


the GB have created the city as the city of Metru nui or the city of Artakha who was a very futuristic city. So why the GB did not builds a similar city for people of Spherus Magna?


You recently said that swords of atakus was made from a prototype technology of the GB. Is that the GB have created other thing with this technology?


Sorry for all these questions about the GB but I need this info for a fan fiction about the GB that i will write.


2) Not that we know of, although we have not seen all of Spherus Magna.

3) Sure, it's possible


2:Yes of course but why the GB have not builds the city like Metru Nui on SM? maybe the GB have built similar cities on SM before the Shattering and the Core War?


3 a:The Weapons of  Vorox of bota magna was made from this technology?

3 b:Is what the GB have create vehicles and armors with this technology? 


How many there's of GB on SM?


The species of GB are older than the agori specie?


The GB have genetically altered some species such as the skopio and the vorox. is what the GB have genetically modified the agori and glatorian? This could explain why they have metallics bones.


The GB have never explored the others planets of their solar system? 





2) Metru Nui was the brain of a robot. You wouldn't want or need a city like that on a planet.

3) No and no

4) Uknown

5) No

6) No, not to my knowledge

7) Mata Nui did that for them.

2014-11-12 15:53 UTC–5

kyle7475 wrote:

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

kyle7475 wrote:

Hey Greg, do you think the heartlights possessed by the Matoran and Toa could be linked to some sort of power plant in their bodies? (hence their behaviour-blinking/stuttering when the being is dying, bright when alive and healthy and dark when deceased)

Certainly possible.

1) Might have brought this up before: perhaps all MU beings have this "powerplant" in their bodies as a repository for their "life energy," kind of like a chakra figuratively speaking, or a heart literally speaking? (kind of like the fictional Sparks from Transformers)


2) Also, do you think that perhaps small amounts of this "life energy" can somehow be converted into Elemental Power by the Toa (With Elemental "reserves" being the amount of life energy that can be safely converted without harming the user)? It seems like a really cool spiritual/fantastical quality for them to possess. This also makes sense in-universe, because it was stated when the Toa Nuva had their EP drained by the Piraka that once the Toa ran out of Elemental Power, they would continue to drain themselves of energy (presumably life energy) until they died.




2014-11-12 17:09 UTC–5
I Greg

During one of my last question I asked you if the GB have create other things that the swords of atakus with the tecnology prototype and you answered me: It's possible. I'm curious to know what the GB have built other with this technology?
2014-11-12 17:16 UTC–5

In the serial Into the Darkness, Brutaka can be quotes telling Teridax that...


"I was getting out of stasis fields when you were still on Destral raising Archives Moles."


Does this imply that it was Teridax that created the Archives Mole species? 

2014-11-12 17:21 UTC–5
Okay, I've got a few questions.

1.Have you ever regretted killing a character off?

2.Is Tyrant still alive? And if so, what is he doing?

3.Were there any other Shadow Matoran other than the ones as sets?

4.Did Miserix betray the BOM in the melding universe?

5.When Teridax arrived on the island of Mata Nui, did he look like "Ultimate Dume" without wings?

6.Did any Klakk migrate to Spherus Magna?

7.Is Velika's original body dead?

8.Were Norik and Iruini a part of the Toa Empire in that universe?

9.Did the Metru Nui matoran Vhisola, Ehyre, and Orkham keep their Metru Nui masks after moving to Mata Nui?

10.Is there a full list of deceased characters who weren't revived on the Red Star?

Sorry about that. I didn't realize how the reply system worked.

2014-11-12 21:02 UTC–5

Greg, you recently said that if one forge a mask of a disk, the mask will have the disk's power. If I combine a Growth and Regeneration kanokas(components of the Hau), will I have a disk of shielding ? If I use it on a target, will it generate a force field around him ?

2014-11-13 05:49 UTC–5

1) About Dume's Badge of Office: was it transformed from his Toa tool(s)?

1a) Does it have a name, or did he decide not to name it?


2) We know that there were originally plans for a Toa Ahkmou set, but my question is, was a prototype of it ever built?

2a) If so, did you see it?

2b) If so, did it wear a Great Rau, or a more evil-looking mask?

2c) Was he on a vehicle like many other sets in summer 2008, such as Mazeka, Vultraz and Antroz?


3) Did the Turaga of Mata Nui take the surviving Krana-Kal with them to Metru Nui, and again to Spherus Magna? Or did they leave them behind on the island of Mata Nui?

3a) If they were left behind, were they later destroyed by the Bohrok, or drowned upon Mata Nui's reawakening?


4) Were Nuparu's new Boxor vehicle prototypes also brought to Spherus Magna?


Thanks in advance!

2014-11-13 07:54 UTC–5

Hi Greg. Two Questions: If you could have a conversation with a BIONICLE character, who would it be and why? When writing, for LEGO or otherwise, is there a particular kind of character you find more challenging to write for? Thanks

2014-11-13 09:55 UTC–5

Cavendish9 wrote:

In the serial Into the Darkness, Brutaka can be quotes telling Teridax that...


"I was getting out of stasis fields when you were still on Destral raising Archives Moles."


Does this imply that it was Teridax that created the Archives Mole species? 

Archives Moles are Rahi, and the Makuta's job was to make Rahi.

2014-11-13 12:02 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

maletoaofwater wrote:

maletoaofwater wrote:


-So far, we know that there were 11 total: 2 water, 1 fire, 4 ice, 1 air, and 1 stone. Of the 6 primary elements, only earth isn't represented in that list... was there a toa of earth on the Mangai team? Assuming there was, that leaves one last unknown toa... what element was (s)he?


Thanks again for answering our questions!



7) Yes, and I have not determined what the last one was

For the last one, a secondary Toa of Fire will be nice in my opinion. What do you think of it? 

2014-11-13 16:02 UTC–5
Personally I think it should be a Toa of Air, that way each Metru would have a Toa of its element up until the Mangai were killed, as Nidhiki left the team.
2014-11-13 16:28 UTC–5

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Well, if Greg tells us, Mangai is complete... except names, kanohi and tools... but yeah.


Moment of Truth! Legend of L



2014-11-13 17:06 UTC–5

Personally, I think to a Toa of Fire with regard to the first threat that the Toa Mangai had to face : the Kanohi Dragon.
As four Toa of Ice were chosen to be part of the team for the efficacity of thier powers on the Rahi beast, the presence of two Toa of Fire would seem logical : they could manipulate or absorb in theory fire breaths of the Kanoh Dragon, and so avoid probably important damages.

2014-11-13 17:54 UTC–5

I mean, was it Teridax himself that created the Archives Moles, or some other Makuta. 

2014-11-13 21:46 UTC–5

 Hey Greg, I have a theory on how EP is generated: do you think that perhaps small amounts of a Toa's "life energy" can be converted into Elemental Power by him/her (With Elemental "reserves" being the amount of life energy that can be safely converted without harming the user)? It seems like a really cool spiritual/fantastical quality for them to possess. This also makes sense in-universe, because it was stated when the Toa Nuva had their EP drained by the Piraka that once the Toa ran out of Elemental Power, they would continue to drain themselves of energy (presumably life energy) until they died.