ScribeGT6817 | 2014-11-03 18:36 UTC–5 Permalink
As I have said before, I never pictured what the old one looked like, so I do not know if it looks like the new one. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2014-11-03 18:37 UTC–5 Permalink
Wouldn't there have to be? The Kestora have to eat, right? |
ScribeGT6817 | 2014-11-03 18:40 UTC–5 Permalink
1) The Great Beings have not engaged in personal space travel, no. 2) Unknown 3) In old story, they were a product of GB technology. I do not know what they are in new story. There was no magic in old story. 4) I see no reason they would have lost the ability. They were not neutered. 5) I don't have this information off the top of my head. 6) No and no 7) No 8) Well, if you think about it, the Mata Nui robot achieved its mission. So why would the GBs care about the red star? MN was a machine full of nanotech and the machine has served its purpose.
ScribeGT6817 | 2014-11-03 18:41 UTC–5 Permalink
Probably, yes. |
kyle7475 | 2014-11-03 19:25 UTC–5 PermalinkSorry if I'm barraging you with questions
1) Did Lesovikk hunt down and kill the Zyglak who were responsible for his team's death?
2) I have a theory about where Matoran are made in the MU. You know how in the human body, new blood cells are created in the bone marrow? Well, do you think the Matoran could be created in the cores of Mata Nui's limb superstructure, underneath the islands and inside the framework?
3) Is the protodermis ocean surrounding the islands in the MU supposed to act like a cushion, protecting the internal systems from harm similar to body fat in the human body?
4) I have another theory about the brains of the MU inhabitants...but I don't want to annoy you with this topic, or act like I'm trying to put words in your mouth, so I'll ask for permission. Is it okay with you if I share it? |
Zidonaro | 2014-11-03 21:03 UTC–5 PermalinkWhy do you hate bionicle fans to the point of not revealing The Shadowed One's name ? |
kyle7475 | 2014-11-03 23:24 UTC–5 Permalink
Dude, what you said about Greg hating Bionicle fans COULD NOT be farther from the truth. He sets aside his own time for this. Be grateful of that. |
keplers | 2014-11-04 00:28 UTC–5 Permalink
This is one of the is untrue and ungrateful posts I have seen on the MBs, ever. |
ToaEljay | 2014-11-04 00:52 UTC–5 PermalinkI'm fairly certain that if Mr. Farshtey hated us, he wouldn't be here offering his time to speak with us and give us insightful information. =P He doesn't wish to reveal The Shadowed Ones name in fear of fan bashlash, which is what he received when fans voted to know either Makuta's name (which was revealed to be Teridax since they voted for it), or the Shadowed Ones. It's for the best he keeps it a secret, for all parties involved. =)
-Eljay |
Takadox41 | 2014-11-04 08:34 UTC–5 Permalink1) Are the effects of shrink and enlarge Kanoka permanent or temporary?
2) Did Garan and the other Voya Nui Matoran keep their Karzahni forms after emigrating to Spherus Magna?
3) If Matoran Universe creatures can't actually reproduce, why divide them into "species"?
Thanks. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2014-11-04 08:58 UTC–5 Permalink
Has nothing to do with hating anybody. As noted above, when we revealed Teridax's name, we got a lot of very hostile backlash,. That said, Teridax had to be named, to differentiate him from the other Makuta. TSO does not need to be named -- he has a perfectly good name -- and any name we give him is just going to set off another round of complaining. I see no reason to do that to add an element to story that is completely irrelevant. Unless you are planning to send him a birthday card, you don't need to know his real name. |
PrimoUltimo | 2014-11-04 09:03 UTC–5 Permalink2. Since there is totally new Bio, couldn't fans make MOC contests for characters from old Bio that we don't know how they looks ? You could just make cannon a winner. In original Bio is so much characters that we don't know how they looks, so if you could let fans do only few of them it could be cool. Maybe only not popular or death characters if more popular like Arthaka is a problem, for example, rest of Toa Hagah, Toa Dume, Toa Nidhiki, Toa Naho, Lhikan as a matoran etc. If you can't continues story of old Bio you could at last let fans create appearance of few characters, in other way we will never know how they looks, because LEGO started new Bio. |
maletoaofwater | 2014-11-04 09:34 UTC–5 Permalink
even though they are totally organic? would that mean that matoran brains are at least partially organic? |
maletoaofwater | 2014-11-04 09:41 UTC–5 Permalink
What about elemental powers? (and other powers?). Those abilities clearly defy the universe's laws of physics (referring to bionicle's laws of physics... otherwise elements would respond to everyone, not just those with the powers). I agree that we can't call those powers "magic", at least not in the traditional "spell-casting" sense, but i don't think we can call it purely tech either. perhaps tech was how they achieved those powers, but the powers themselves can't be tech. |
maletoaofwater | 2014-11-04 09:49 UTC–5 Permalink
yes it matters, or yes he would become a turaga? |