ScribeGT6817 |
xeara wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
TheSpecial wrote:
Mr. Farshtey, Was Hydraxon originally going to be the underwater Axonn? And were Norik and Iruini originally going to be Nidhiki and Dume? Thanks.
1) No 2) One of the sets was VERY briefly talked about as being Nidhiki, but I don't think a Toa Dume set was ever discussed.
It sure seems like Iruini was meant to be Nidhiki. They're both Toa of Air, and just look at that mask. It's a Vahki head turned into a mask. So... would that mask technically be considered the canon shape of Nidhiki's mask before getting turned into a weird Vahki-headed thing?
No. That set was talked about as Nidhiki for all of about 35 seconds, so you can't call it a canon anything as far as Nidhiki goes. It's entirely possible that the mask might have redesigned somehow if they had decided to go with it being Nidhiki.
brickmasterjac… |
Now that BIONICLE has been confirmed by LEGO, what are your thoughts on the matter? Can you tell us fans anything about the story?
chirox580 |
Seeing as to how LEGO have now confirmed via twitter that bionicle is indeed returning next year I believe I can now ask Mr. Farshtey SOME questions about next years line. So Mr. farshtey how did you feel when you heard the news that bionicle was due for a return.
karateduo1 |
On the LEGO facebook page they just revealed Bionicl 2015 and the mask of creation. 1: I guess that means Artakha will probably be playing a large part. 2: Since the Mask of Creation was the only legendary mask never revealed in the storyline should we assume this is a continuation?
Daler99 |
Hey, Greg! Now that BIONICLE is confirmed for 2015, can you tell us if you will be a part of the story team? I'm a huge fan of the original story, and I would love to see you writing the story again. 
Also, how long has the return of BIONICLE been in the works?
princebuddy55 |
Especially because Nidihki had a Volitak, which got a canon representation in 2007 with Toa Mahri Nuparu.
As for my questions, Mr. Greg,
1) LEGO has officially tweeted and posted on their Facebook that BIONICLE is returning. Are you excited? 2) In theory, what would happen if one being was to wear all three Legendary Great Masks, the Ignika, the Vahi, and the Mask of Creation? Thanks 
maletoaofwater |
I must be a little out of the loop... i know that LEGO's facebook page confirmed bionicle2015, but what do we officially know about besides that 8 second clip of the spinning kanohi?
ScribeGT6817 |
chirox580 wrote:
Seeing as to how LEGO have now confirmed via twitter that bionicle is indeed returning next year I believe I can now ask Mr. Farshtey SOME questions about next years line. So Mr. farshtey how did you feel when you heard the news that bionicle was due for a return.
Happy and nervous too -- the return is a big deal, and you really want it to succeed, because you only get one chance to bring something like this back.
ScribeGT6817 |
karateduo1 wrote:
On the LEGO facebook page they just revealed Bionicl 2015 and the mask of creation. 1: I guess that means Artakha will probably be playing a large part. 2: Since the Mask of Creation was the only legendary mask never revealed in the storyline should we assume this is a continuation?
1) Don't make assumptions. 2) See answer to #1
MJLaubacher |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
chirox580 wrote:
Seeing as to how LEGO have now confirmed via twitter that bionicle is indeed returning next year I believe I can now ask Mr. Farshtey SOME questions about next years line. So Mr. farshtey how did you feel when you heard the news that bionicle was due for a return.
Happy and nervous too -- the return is a big deal, and you really want it to succeed, because you only get one chance to bring something like this back.
You guys will do great. I know it. Throw some of that LEGO magic on it. 
ScribeGT6817 |
Daler99 wrote: Hey, Greg! Now that BIONICLE is confirmed for 2015, can you tell us if you will be a part of the story team? I'm a huge fan of the original story, and I would love to see you writing the story again. 
Also, how long has the return of BIONICLE been in the works?
My involvement has been doing some consulting work on the story, providing some feedback, stuff like that. I did not write the new story. As for your second question, I don't know exactly. By the time I was brought into it, it was fairly far along.
MJLaubacher |
So, with Bionicle coming back now (How did I miss the countdown on the FB page? ) I'm extremely excited. Maybe now I can write some Bionicle fan stories when this one comes out.
ScribeGT6817 |
princebuddy55 wrote:
Especially because Nidihki had a Volitak, which got a canon representation in 2007 with Toa Mahri Nuparu.
As for my questions, Mr. Greg,
1) LEGO has officially tweeted and posted on their Facebook that BIONICLE is returning. Are you excited? 2) In theory, what would happen if one being was to wear all three Legendary Great Masks, the Ignika, the Vahi, and the Mask of Creation? Thanks 
1) I am hopeful that it will do well and that fans will be excited. I know that LEGO Company will be paying very close attention to what the fans have to say as this rolls along. 2) You can't wear more than one mask at a time
ScribeGT6817 |
maletoaofwater wrote:
I must be a little out of the loop... i know that LEGO's facebook page confirmed bionicle2015, but what do we officially know about besides that 8 second clip of the spinning kanohi?
The only official release of story info is identifying the mask as the Mask of Creation. That's it.
MJLaubacher |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
princebuddy55 wrote:
Especially because Nidihki had a Volitak, which got a canon representation in 2007 with Toa Mahri Nuparu.
As for my questions, Mr. Greg,
1) LEGO has officially tweeted and posted on their Facebook that BIONICLE is returning. Are you excited? 2) In theory, what would happen if one being was to wear all three Legendary Great Masks, the Ignika, the Vahi, and the Mask of Creation? Thanks 
1) I am hopeful that it will do well and that fans will be excited. I know that LEGO Company will be paying very close attention to what the fans have to say as this rolls along. 2) You can't wear more than one mask at a time
2) What if you have 3 heads? 