voporak1 |
hi mer greg 1,How the kestora have landed in the dimension of the silver city. 2,Is that is the GB who have created the rahi who built the silver city. 3,A toa of psychism would he be able to control people's minds and create illusions. 4,The residents of the MU have it something similar to blood. 5,The people of Spherus Magna is he most advanced technologically that the human species. 6,What is the speed that can reach the great spirit robot with the red star. 7,When you said that velika wanted to rule the people of Spherus magna how he wants to rule them? I explain myself it wants that the people of SM become his slaves? or he just wants direct them with more ferocious rules? 8,Is it possible for a toa of the gravity to create a miniature black hole. 9,Is that the baterra going to be reprogrammed by velika for serve him as a soldier. 10,The adaptive armor can adapt itself in a area magnetic? thanks 
Boidoh |
1. Are the barraki still in their extremely mutated forms? As in, does Pridak still look like he did in set form? 2. How are Matoran migrating from the robot? Through the hatch in the leg area or somewhere else? 3. Is there any way to differenciate a male sea squid from a female? Does it have something to do with color? Eg. the green/blue sea squids were male/female, and the red/yellow/orange squids were female/male. 4. Are Pohatu and Kopaka currently in their desert form, or has the adaptive armor reverted to the default form on the Red Star? 5. Could the Toa Mahri wear normal masks? It seems that tubes are connected to their masks which can cause a problem. 6. Is something along the lines of a 'Skull Kraata' possible?
legocreator5486 |
How many more years of Ninjago are you going to make? Thank you for your time.
MataNuiIsTheGr… |
I don't know if the problem is that you can't read, can't listen, or are just ignorant and selfish, but here's the deal: Greg CANNOT talk about 2015 sets/plans. Freaking Nicholas Cage can break into LEGO HQ, steal hundreds of prototype 2015 sets and kidnap the CEO of LEGO, then force the CEO to confess that Bionicle is coming back, and Greg still cannot talk about it without losing his job. I repeat, if he talks about 2015 LEGO sets/plans at ALL, he loses his JOB. It doesn't matter how much he wants to talk about it, or how much you want him to talk about it: HE. CAN'T. For the love of Mata Nui, DON'T ASK ABOUT 2015. AT ALL.
I hope that got across your thick skull, and anyone who is asking about it.
Anyways, some questions:
1. If the Mask of Creation were to be destroyed, what effect would it have on the universe?
2. Do you think there is a bit more to the whole Unity, Duty, Destiny thing than just being coded objectives?
3. Would Velika consider the Voya Nui Resistance team members kinda as friends?
4. Could a Makuta, before the antidermis evolution, be revived on the Red Star?
5. If so, could Icarax be revived if his head reformed? (I believe Gorast said parts of him would eventually reform across the MU. For this question assume the entire head has reformed perfectly)
Thanks, and I'm sorry that you have to deal with this sort of 2015 nonsense.
ScribeGT6817 |
MataNuiIsTheGreatSpirit wrote: I don't know if the problem is that you can't read, can't listen, or are just ignorant and selfish, but here's the deal: Greg CANNOT talk about 2015 sets/plans. Freaking Nicholas Cage can break into LEGO HQ, steal hundreds of prototype 2015 sets and kidnap the CEO of LEGO, then force the CEO to confess that Bionicle is coming back, and Greg still cannot talk about it without losing his job. I repeat, if he talks about 2015 LEGO sets/plans at ALL, he loses his JOB. It doesn't matter how much he wants to talk about it, or how much you want him to talk about it: HE. CAN'T. For the love of Mata Nui, DON'T ASK ABOUT 2015. AT ALL.
I hope that got across your thick skull, and anyone who is asking about it.
Anyways, some questions:
1. If the Mask of Creation were to be destroyed, what effect would it have on the universe?
2. Do you think there is a bit more to the whole Unity, Duty, Destiny thing than just being coded objectives?
3. Would Velika consider the Voya Nui Resistance team members kinda as friends?
4. Could a Makuta, before the antidermis evolution, be revived on the Red Star?
5. If so, could Icarax be revived if his head reformed? (I believe Gorast said parts of him would eventually reform across the MU. For this question assume the entire head has reformed perfectly)
Thanks, and I'm sorry that you have to deal with this sort of 2015 nonsense.
1) We don't know that it would have an adverse effect. It was never stated that it would. 2) No, not really 3) No 4) If his body was intact when he died, yes 5) No, because the RS is programmed to teleport from the robot and the robot no longer exists.
ScribeGT6817 |
legocreator5486 wrote:
How many more years of Ninjago are you going to make? Thank you for your time.
That is really up to the fans. If they buy lots of sets, then LEGO has an incentive to keep it going. If they don't, it will get cancelled.
ScribeGT6817 |
voporak1 wrote:
hi mer greg 1,How the kestora have landed in the dimension of the silver city. 2,Is that is the GB who have created the rahi who built the silver city. 3,A toa of psychism would he be able to control people's minds and create illusions. 4,The residents of the MU have it something similar to blood. 5,The people of Spherus Magna is he most advanced technologically that the human species. 6,What is the speed that can reach the great spirit robot with the red star. 7,When you said that velika wanted to rule the people of Spherus magna how he wants to rule them? I explain myself it wants that the people of SM become his slaves? or he just wants direct them with more ferocious rules? 8,Is it possible for a toa of the gravity to create a miniature black hole. 9,Is that the baterra going to be reprogrammed by velika for serve him as a soldier. 10,The adaptive armor can adapt itself in a area magnetic? thanks 
1-2) Pocket dimensions are not built.They occur naturally, as do the beings who live within them. The Kestora there are not the same as the Kestora in the MU. 3) I believe the powers of that element have already been defined. 4 They have a lubrication system, as a machine does, they do not have blood. 5) Not that I have seen, no 6) No idea 7) He looked at what happened in the Core War and felt it happened because there wasn't a strong hand ruling. If you look in our world, there are a lot of countries where different groups within the country hate each other, but they can't fight because there is a strong ruler stopping them from doing so. 8) I don't think that is something we ever stated, and it would probably make him too powerful for the story 9) I don't think so, no 10) Like where?
ScribeGT6817 |
Boidoh wrote:
1. Are the barraki still in their extremely mutated forms? As in, does Pridak still look like he did in set form? 2. How are Matoran migrating from the robot? Through the hatch in the leg area or somewhere else? 3. Is there any way to differenciate a male sea squid from a female? Does it have something to do with color? Eg. the green/blue sea squids were male/female, and the red/yellow/orange squids were female/male. 4. Are Pohatu and Kopaka currently in their desert form, or has the adaptive armor reverted to the default form on the Red Star? 5. Could the Toa Mahri wear normal masks? It seems that tubes are connected to their masks which can cause a problem. 6. Is something along the lines of a 'Skull Kraata' possible?
1) No, the Barraki's mutations were reversed at the end of the story 2) I am sure through a lot of places, since the robot is being taken apart. 3) No idea 4) If they are in the desert, would make sense to be in a desert form 5) No 6) Can you explain what you mean?
ScribeGT6817 |
Biomeca132 wrote:
Velika have transfered his consciousness into a Matoran body. The powers of Great Beigns are of technological origin, probably thanks to different kind of implants. So can the Great Beings totally change or modify their bodies, ending in GBs with a whole lot of possibles physical forms and compositions (Organic/Robotic/Organic and Mechanic/Vegetal/ect...), depending of their needs or their preferences? And if they can, was that already made?
Not that I am aware of
ScribeGT6817 |
I feel that the response to revealing "The Shadowed One's" real name would be much different than revealing Teridax's name. I really think you should reveal it. Here are six key points: - TSO played a side role in the main story. Most of the people hated Teridax's name because Makuta was an early BIONICLE villian who was a key part in their early childhood. Because he only played a side role in the storyline, all things considered, and rarely intruded on any childhood memories, it would not be a "BIG RUINING REVEAL."
- People who would read it aren't going to hate BIONICLE for it. Pretty much the only BIONICLE fans left have gone through having Teridax's name be revealed, and few members of the community dislike it to this day. And really, what do you think it's going to do, impact set sales for the worse?
- It isn't going to be used in the story. Having Makuta's name revealed to be "Teridax" affected his storyline role, how he was reffered to, etc. With TSO, it is a moniker he has abandoned, and for all intents and purposes he is still The Shadowed One.
- We already know TSO is not his real name. This is a major thing to factor in. The idea that Teridax is not the only Makuta, and that his name is not Makuta, is the main problem most people had with it.
- It isn't retcon. Makuta was never refered to as Teridax until much later, which angered fans. TSO has always been known as his false name, and has been that for quite a while.
- People want to know what it is. I know what your response would be "why do you care?" The thing is, BIONICLE's fandom has perservered through five years of it being discontinued. Most people would be fascinated to know that that big secret (minor secret, really, but) that was troubling them all their childhood would be revealed.
No. We don't need to know the Shadowed One's name! It already sounds cool, and besides, there is no need to do it. It adds to the mystery of the character, and that asthetic does not need to be changed.
Not happening.
minefan101 |
I have a question about BIONICLE: Are there more Toa than we have heard of? Like, never mentioned (by name or not by name) before? Sincerely, Minefan101, The last Toa of Gravity
EddyGould |
Hello, Mr. Greg!  1) Based on the fact that Mata Nui has never flown outside of Solis Magna, how many planets are there in this system (SM, that is)? 2) What race does Sentrakh belong to? Well, we know he was created thanks to some DH experiments, but exactly how did that happen? Maybe TSO "combined" several DHs via mutations? 3) How did Devastator come to life? We know he came from the fiery crag on Karzahni, but how? Could Karzahni possibly create him? 4) Kind of a strange question. Is it possible to create Nuva versions of Ignika/Vahi/Mask of Creation? 5) Could Berix possibly be Velika's agent? He had access to the Great Beings' lab and could possibly communicate with him from there.
Storm6075 |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
legocreator5486 wrote:
How many more years of Ninjago are you going to make? Thank you for your time.
That is really up to the fans. If they buy lots of sets, then LEGO has an incentive to keep it going. If they don't, it will get cancelled.
alienduck |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
Not happening.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURTHERMORE, I would like to point out that there is no reason to null all of my logical points just because of one upset fan.
alienduck |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
MataNuiIsTheGreatSpirit wrote: I don't know if the problem is that you can't read, can't listen, or are just ignorant and selfish, but here's the deal: Greg CANNOT talk about 2015 sets/plans. Freaking Nicholas Cage can break into LEGO HQ, steal hundreds of prototype 2015 sets and kidnap the CEO of LEGO, then force the CEO to confess that Bionicle is coming back, and Greg still cannot talk about it without losing his job. I repeat, if he talks about 2015 LEGO sets/plans at ALL, he loses his JOB. It doesn't matter how much he wants to talk about it, or how much you want him to talk about it: HE. CAN'T. For the love of Mata Nui, DON'T ASK ABOUT 2015. AT ALL.
I hope that got across your thick skull, and anyone who is asking about it.
Anyways, some questions:
1. If the Mask of Creation were to be destroyed, what effect would it have on the universe?
2. Do you think there is a bit more to the whole Unity, Duty, Destiny thing than just being coded objectives?
3. Would Velika consider the Voya Nui Resistance team members kinda as friends?
4. Could a Makuta, before the antidermis evolution, be revived on the Red Star?
5. If so, could Icarax be revived if his head reformed? (I believe Gorast said parts of him would eventually reform across the MU. For this question assume the entire head has reformed perfectly)
Thanks, and I'm sorry that you have to deal with this sort of 2015 nonsense.
1) We don't know that it would have an adverse effect. It was never stated that it would. 2) No, not really 3) No 4) If his body was intact when he died, yes 5) No, because the RS is programmed to teleport from the robot and the robot no longer exists.
5) You mean it wasn't beamed up for the entirety of Destiny War, and the entire rest of the 08' storyline?