Andrew31kbrick… | 2014-08-11 15:11 UTC–5 Permalink
Would that make Fa-Matoran among the most powerful elements in the Bionicle universe? |
keplers | 2014-08-11 15:33 UTC–5 PermalinkWould you view Velika as potentially a good character? Though his means are not the cleanest, they seem to be the easiest and fastest methods through which he can achieve what appears to be a utopia, and what the Glatorian originally wanted: the Great Beings watching over them. |
ToaXlamofTheEc… | 2014-08-11 15:57 UTC–5 PermalinkMr. Greg
Are bionicle characters more mechanical or more organic, i'd like to believe that they are 100% organic but i don't know. Did the makuta have adaptive armor too? |
TwistLaw | 2014-08-11 16:16 UTC–5 Permalink |
TwistLaw | 2014-08-11 16:25 UTC–5 Permalink
This is very, very, VERY interesting! Do you think it feasible that at some point in the future of BIONICLE, if the line didn't end in 2010, the Barraki warlords could have become again the villains of the year? Sounds so cool |
kyle7475 | 2014-08-11 17:25 UTC–5 PermalinkHey Greg, I hope you don't mind if I ask you some of these questions:
1) What would the Adaptive Armor's Desert Form look like? I was thinking it'd be similar to the armor's default form except with minor alterations; such as sandfilters on the mask's eyes and mouthpiece, shaded eyepieces to keep out the sun, a back-mounted hydration pack, and extra seals on the joints to keep out the sand. What do you think?
2) When Lewa arrived on Bota Magna, did his AA adapt to the Jungle environment? And if so, what extra features do you think it would it possess?
3) Do you think Vo-Matoran could be powerplant workers, as their primary occupation (by "primary occupation" I mean like how Ta-matoran are primarily blacksmiths, Po-matoran primarily stonecarvers, etc)
4) Are there such things as matoran Healers or Doctors? In fact, do medical jobs exist at all in the MU?
4a) If there are such things as matoran Healers, do you think Bo-matoran would make good healers? They would know a lot about herbs and such.
5) Are there such things as matoran Lawyers or Law scholars?
5a) If these occupations exist, do you think Ce-matoran would be good lawyers? I mean, their minds are guarded from outside influences, which would be good when dealing with telepaths. |
dav9390 | 2014-08-11 21:14 UTC–5 PermalinkDear Greg, I was wondering if you can claryify the BIONICLE time line a bit? BIONICLE is a tale that take place along the course of thoasands and thousands of years with events taking place at various times until the 2001 storyline began with the Toa Mata. But in Journeys End, Tahu said it was a year ago that he first became a Toa Nuva. That would mean from the time the Toa Mata first awoke on Mata Nui, fought the Rahi, found their masks, Bohrok, Borok-Kal, Rahksi and all the events of the the Mask of Light movie, listened to the Turagas tale about the past, traveled to Metra Nui, then to Voya Nui, then on all the various tasks to complete (at the same time Jaller's team was hunting for the mask of Life) , then to Karda Nui, and then finally all the months fighting the Makutas armies inside the robot would have taken place in just over a year. That is a lot and is basically the entire main BIONICLE storyline. Is this accurate? Its thats a lot espacially with a story that starts 100,000+ years ago. |
TheSpecial | 2014-08-12 02:10 UTC–5 PermalinkI think that this got buried so I'll just repost it.
Hi Greg. I have a couple questions I would like to ask you about the final battle against makuta and his army.
1. During the final battle, were lewa, gali, pohatu, onua and kopaka still trapped inside the makuta robot, or did they escape like tahu and takanuva to join the fight?
2. What happened to the toa nuva after teridax was defeated? Did they return to their toa mata forms as well, because there was no need for their adaptive armor?
Thank you for reading my questions. I'm a huge bionicle fan. |
eevee435 | 2014-08-12 07:50 UTC–5 Permalink
Just in case this doesn't get answered; Gali, Pohatu, Onua and Kopaka joined the battle alongside Tahu on Bara/Spherus Magna. Lewa, meanwhile, was transported from the Great Spirit Robot's head into space and then again into a fortress containing an insane Great Being on Bota Magna. They did not turn back into Toa Mata, they stayed in their Nuva forms - Tahu only needed to be a Mata to use the Golden Armour. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2014-08-12 09:16 UTC–5 Permalink
Hard as it might be to believe, this is accurate. None of the stories we told took that long to take place. If you think of 2004, 2005, for example, you could read the whole story of those two years in a day or two. And most of the stories we did involved battles that were furious, but short. The longest one would have been the Teridax reign stuff, but most of the rest of it was pretty quick to happen. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2014-08-12 09:19 UTC–5 Permalink
1) That makes sense. 2) I would say maybe some internal cooling system (as the desert form would have had too), and possibly cutting implements that could be used to get through dense vegetation, and maybe some form of radar to help spot things since you can't see very far in a jungle. 3) Like I said, I have to give the occupations some thought. 4) I think so, yes. I would guess that Ga-Matoran do a lot of that, given that it was something Gali excelled at. 4a) That is certainly possible too 5) We never really established much of a law/court system for BIONICLE, so I am going to lean toward no. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2014-08-12 09:20 UTC–5 Permalink
Probably in serials, I doubt in main story. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2014-08-12 09:22 UTC–5 Permalink
Yes. The Toa Mata were among the earliest Toa built, so their design was simpler too. I am not sure you can say the other Toa necessarily evolved, because their designers were not around to do that. I think it had more to do with how Matoran thought of Toa and the impact that had on their transformations. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2014-08-12 09:24 UTC–5 Permalink
1) No, they are not 100% organic by any means. We know they have organic lungs and they have muscle tissue linking their mechanical parts together, but I always thought of them as more metal than flesh. 2) No. They had armor that was capable of shapeshifting along with them, but it did not automatically adapt to environments. |
ScribeGT6817 | 2014-08-12 09:25 UTC–5 Permalink