ScribeGT6817 |
Boidoh wrote:
Boidoh wrote:
1. I remember you saying you've never seen the fourth movie, Legend Reborn yet. I forgot why, can you remind me. 2. Have you seen it yet? 3. Do you know who are TTV? 6. In the Battle of Bara Magna, there were tons of Skakdis of Water, were there any other types of Skakdi there? 7. Could Nektaan, and other Skakdis of Water, channel their elemental water through their cresent sythes? 8. During the battle of Bara Magna, was Takanuva trying to disquise himself as a Toa of Ice? 9. Has he changed his armour color back to gold again yet? 10. Were Rahkshi of Heat Vision shorter? 11. Were AM and BotaM moons of BM? As in, they revolved around the planet? 12. Did both planets have their own moons? 13. Can you confirm that it was A MOON OF BOTA MAGNA, that hit Makuta? Everyone is convinced its a moon of Aqua Magna/Aqua Magna or the entire Bota Magna.
These got lost.
1) I never said why not. 2) No. I haven't seen LEGO Movie either. If I have read the script for something a dozen times, I don't feel the need to see it. 3) I did a podcast interview with some time back 4-5) Don't recall offhand 6) I am sure there were 7) Only if they have another Skakdi nearby also using their elemental power 8) Not to my knowledge 9) No idea 10) Are you basing this off the Stars sets? 11) I don't think so, no 12) Unknown 13) I always believed it was one of the pieces of the planet. It was something Mata Nui was drawing to Bara Magna.
ScribeGT6817 |
Boidoh wrote:
Boidoh wrote:
Since Marendar's prison was on Bara Magna, is Angonce on Bara Magna?
I think it got lost.
ScribeGT6817 |
Boidoh wrote:
OK, I know you already said you didn't know much about the Shore Turtle rahi, but I suppose if I re-word some of them maybe you could remember some stuff and give some answers. 1. In the canon game, BIONICLE: Quest for the Toa (previously, I think, Tales of the Tohunga), where Takua was collecting the Toa Stones, there were many rahi around, Fikou, Shore Turtles, ect. They were all really common. Since the Rahi on the island of Mata Nui were common, does that mean currently, the rahi of Mata Nui are common, such as the Shore Turtles? 2. In the afore mentioned canon game, you could knock off the masks of the rahi to defeat some of them, such as the Fikou. The Shore Turtle set has a mask PIECE on its back. Is that a shell? I assume it is because in said game, the masks they wore were on their heads, and not on their backs (in contrast to the Fikou). When the mask was knocked off from the head, they returned to their usual, friendly state. 3. When Voya Nui returned to its original position, did many of the rahi that lived there die? These rahi were: Visorak, Ussal, Shore Turtles, Sand Screamers, Protodax, and many many more. 4. What happened to the mutated Ussal? Is it still alive?
1) I have no knowledge of the game, so I can't help you. 3) Some would have, certainly. 4) It was trapped in its cell when the robot crashed, so I think it unlikely that it survived.
ScribeGT6817 |
emppu2001 wrote:
Hi! I've got few questions. 1: Are you working on a new NinjaGo book/comic right now? 2: Will you lose your job if you confirm the rumours about return of BIONICLE, or hint about upcoming theme? 3: Who's your favourite BIONICLE character? 4: Do you like Akhmou  5: When did you visit flea store/ thrift shop last time?
1) No. 2) At the very least, I would get taken off the boards and this topic would be closed if I leaked confidential informatioh about any theme or future product plan. I most likely would get into a lot of trouble and, yes, I could lose my job. 3) Kopaka 4) Not really, no 5) Why?
zaktan74 |
hi greg farshtey i wonder me what about the barraki in spehrus magna? what they do there and there are still underwater or have they nor their armies or they are not more mutated? I love the barraki! there were actually other barraki titans as planning for example? SORRY for my english i'm from germany and im a kid
kyle7475 |
Hey Greg: 1) Do the Glatorians that Mata Nui granted elemental powers have limited Elemental Power reserves like Toa? 2) Is the source of the Glatorian's elemental power, be it technological, mystical, or otherwise, the same as in the Toa? Or do they get their elemental power from somewhere else?
fishers64 |
If Spherus Magna has higher level gravity than normal, why do the Agori not end up glued to the surface and throwing disks crash to the ground? You confirmed that the Agori, Spherus Magna, etc are made of normal matter like ours, so it's confusing. Why does Spherus Magna not become a gas giant, if it is that huge and has that much gravity?
Boidoh |
Could Su-Matoran have poor night vision, to compensate for them being completely better than the Ta-Matoran?
rocka99 |
1. Does Bionicle really mean "Biological Chronicle"? 2. Do you know the inspiration for any of the Bionicle character's names? If so, what were they? 3. Which do you like better: The Hero Factory building system or the Bionicle system and why? 4. Do you miss Bionicle?
youngjusticefo… |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
Boidoh wrote:
Boidoh wrote:
1. I remember you saying you've never seen the fourth movie, Legend Reborn yet. I forgot why, can you remind me. 2. Have you seen it yet? 3. Do you know who are TTV? 6. In the Battle of Bara Magna, there were tons of Skakdis of Water, were there any other types of Skakdi there? 7. Could Nektaan, and other Skakdis of Water, channel their elemental water through their cresent sythes? 8. During the battle of Bara Magna, was Takanuva trying to disquise himself as a Toa of Ice? 9. Has he changed his armour color back to gold again yet? 10. Were Rahkshi of Heat Vision shorter? 11. Were AM and BotaM moons of BM? As in, they revolved around the planet? 12. Did both planets have their own moons? 13. Can you confirm that it was A MOON OF BOTA MAGNA, that hit Makuta? Everyone is convinced its a moon of Aqua Magna/Aqua Magna or the entire Bota Magna.
These got lost.
1) I never said why not. 2) No. I haven't seen LEGO Movie either. If I have read the script for something a dozen times, I don't feel the need to see it. 3) I did a podcast interview with some time back 4-5) Don't recall offhand 6) I am sure there were 7) Only if they have another Skakdi nearby also using their elemental power 8) Not to my knowledge 9) No idea 10) Are you basing this off the Stars sets? 11) I don't think so, no 12) Unknown 13) I always believed it was one of the pieces of the planet. It was something Mata Nui was drawing to Bara Magna.
A question to number 7. But then wouldn't them being both water count? And how can they activate it if another has to as well, is there like a thing so they can start it but need help maintaining it imedietly or what?
Boidoh |
Because obviously "real life physics don't apply in BIONICLE". 
slipperysnakeb… |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
toaesteban908 wrote:
Are great beings human?
They are humanoid, but I would not classify them as humans. While there are similarities between Glatorian, Agori, GBs and humans, they are not on Earth and I do not think they would be considered part of the human species.
besides, normal Humans dont live hundreds of thousands of years. 
slipperysnakeb… |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
slipperysnakeboy wrote: man there are a lot of questions... I'll keep it to one. 
1: Can Lehvak acid melt protosteel?
I would guess yes.
Thank you, sir. hear that YJF? I guess you could! 
Boidoh |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
Boidoh wrote:
OK, I know you already said you didn't know much about the Shore Turtle rahi, but I suppose if I re-word some of them maybe you could remember some stuff and give some answers. 1. In the canon game, BIONICLE: Quest for the Toa (previously, I think, Tales of the Tohunga), where Takua was collecting the Toa Stones, there were many rahi around, Fikou, Shore Turtles, ect. They were all really common. Since the Rahi on the island of Mata Nui were common, does that mean currently, the rahi of Mata Nui are common, such as the Shore Turtles? 2. In the afore mentioned canon game, you could knock off the masks of the rahi to defeat some of them, such as the Fikou. The Shore Turtle set has a mask PIECE on its back. Is that a shell? I assume it is because in said game, the masks they wore were on their heads, and not on their backs (in contrast to the Fikou). When the mask was knocked off from the head, they returned to their usual, friendly state. 3. When Voya Nui returned to its original position, did many of the rahi that lived there die? These rahi were: Visorak, Ussal, Shore Turtles, Sand Screamers, Protodax, and many many more. 4. What happened to the mutated Ussal? Is it still alive?
1) I have no knowledge of the game, so I can't help you. 3) Some would have, certainly. 4) It was trapped in its cell when the robot crashed, so I think it unlikely that it survived.
So should BS01 have deceased?
TwistLaw |
Dear Greg, this is a thing that has bothered me for quite some time and I'd like a little help from you. We all know the Toa Mata, as a product, were "piece of woods", lacking important moveable points like the head and knees. They also looked far more primitive than the Toa Metru and Toa Inika style we got in later years. What I want to ask you is: in the canon is their "simplier" appearence caused by the fact they were built 100,000 years ago and were put in stasis almost immediately? I mean, did this prevent them from "evolving" like other Toa did, getting more complex bodies? I perfectly know that in the story their bodies were as moveable as ours, but it's undesputed their primitive look, especially their gorilla-like heads that made sense just when used with the Metru Matoran, "simplier" beings form themselves. I hope my question is clear enough, thanks in advance.