2014-07-31 13:38 UTC–5
Hi Greg.
Think these got buried in the thread.
2014-07-31 13:52 UTC–5

The Makuta of the Melding Alternate Universe - I am talking about the ones who managed to get rid of all their inner darkness after years of meditation - are still capable of creating Rahkshi, aren't they? If so, is there anything different with those Rahkshi? Are they less destructive than the ones we know? Are they more easily controlled by their creators? Would they even - it's very unlikely, but who knows - look less creepy and intimidating than the ones we're familiar with?

2014-07-31 15:58 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

Boidoh wrote:

This is probably a ridiculous question but...


When Kapura was in space with the others, could he have teleported himself out? I mean, It is as Vakama said, he practiced and became skilled, and he now knows the secret art of travelling great distances by moving very slowly . It is only a small matter for Kapura to be where he is not. It is a useful skill. Where Kapura is, is cold and has no air. Where he is not is overtaken by Makuta and is a city. Could he have been where he was not by moving very slowly?


And a second question; what is your favorite BIONICLE quote?


And a third question; how do you feel about all these BIONICLE questions? Does it somewhat make you and/or LEGO know that there is still a demanding fanbase for BIONICLE?

1) The problem is, we do not know the range of his powers, we do not know if he needs to be standing  on solid ground for them to work, we do not know if he needs to be in line of sight of where he is going ... so it may not have been possible for his power to be of any use.


2) Everything BIONICLE was four years ago and more, so I do not remember specific quotes after all this time.


3) Nobody has ever doubted there was still a fanbase for BIONICLE story. When pondering if it will ever come back someday, the question is, will there be a new fanbase willing to buy sets?


I see... Then what would be the range of his powers, would he need to be on solid ground for them to work, and would he need to be in line of sight of where he is going?


So does the mean teleportation with Kapura is canon?


And the most important of all... What does Kapura mean by "moving fast by moving slowly"?

2014-07-31 16:00 UTC–5

ToaIhu wrote:

Hi Greg!


1) Is Takua really the first Matoran of all?

2) Why aren't you allowed to post on BZP anymore?

3) Does the Mask of Light only function when Takanuva wears it, or could other Toa use it?

4) Were there ever Turaga on Metru Nui besides Dume, and if so, were they Turaga at the same time as him or before?

5) How long has the Red Star teleport function been broken for? Because I think I remember Teridax planning to execute the Barraki 80,000 years ago after defeating the League of Six Kingdoms, but wouldn't that have been a bit empty if the Red Star could just fix them and send them back again?

6) Is it possible that there are masks other than those already listed in the books, comics, serials etc that exist? Like a mask of Weather Control? (not that specifically, but other masks with other powers that we haven't seen in the story)


Thanks again!

Whoops! Didn't copy across my questions! I think they got buried earlier in the thread.

2014-07-31 16:11 UTC–5
Greg, who is your favorite MatoranThinking? Mine is Jala or Takua.
2014-07-31 19:15 UTC–5

Hey there Greg, Happy I'm a huge fan of the Bionicle storyline and I would like to know as to why there aren't any new storyline updates and why has been taken down? Is it becasue you're taking your time to come up with new content for the 2015 Don't tell anyone sets? Manay thanks and best wishes, Dan. 

2014-07-31 19:18 UTC–5
So there are 6 kanohi (the 6toa wear)in total and they became gold when they combine but only their own left when they become nuva,right???
2014-07-31 19:44 UTC–5

Well, he lost his Nuva form, which means he can't share kanohi powers and has less elemental control. Don't you think he kind of NEEDS the power up?

2014-07-31 20:16 UTC–5

Dear GregF:

Could you please tell me who were the members of the BIONICLE Story Team? If you can't say names then their jobs would also help.

thank you very much

2014-07-31 21:04 UTC–5


Do you think the hype train is real?

Do you know what Omega Tahu is?

Is the LEGO conspiracy about S@H true?

Will the Lord of Skull Spiders ever fight the Visorak?

Can Omega Tahu beat Lord of Skull Spiders?

2014-07-31 22:57 UTC–5
I believe Greg Farshtey is not allowed to answer questions such as these, because that is "highly-suspect" information and it is something that LEGO would not try to discuss, nor would they let their employees (such as Greg) to talk about it.
2014-08-01 00:59 UTC–5
1) Since Rahi aren't revived by the Red Star, burial of them is common in the Matoran Universe right? That explains the Toa Hordika burying dead Visorak in 2005.
2) So was Sidorak revived in the Red Star, or did Keetongu crush him badly enough to destroy his head and thus he wasn't?
3) Back when the Red Star worked, was it common knowledge in the Matoran Universe that the dead could return, and this was later forgotten?
4) Is Sahmad the last person of the Iron Tribe still alive?
5) Did you have any particular plans for Marendar?
6) Was Gaardus responsible for the Red Star's system malfunctioning?
7) Now that Teridax is dead, what's Ahkmou's fate in the new Spherus Magna society?
8) Is Botar currently in a severely damaged psychological state on the Red Star or something similar? Otherwise why hadn't he just teleported out of the Star by now? Or has he and we just haven't seen him?

Thanks for your time!

2014-08-01 01:08 UTC–5
So there are 6 kanohi (the 6toa wear)in total and they became gold when they combine but only their own left when they become nuva,right???
2014-08-01 01:28 UTC–5

Hi Mr. Farshtey!

I only have two questions here, you won't have to worry about me bothering ya anymore afterward Joking


1. Anyway, through some browsing on the Bionicle Wiki, I recently learned of the Sisters of the Skrall. Their concept intrigues me, and I'd love to build a MOC of one of the sisters, but the descriptions of their appearance were vague to me. Do you have any details on their appearance?


2. How the heck do you answer all these questions e-e

2014-08-01 08:09 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

Firox555 wrote:

Greg, I've got one question about Kanohi powers:


Regarding the Kanohi Akaku, Mask of X-Ray Vision, and Kanohi Arththron, Mask of Sonar - do these Kanohi actually use X-Rays and Sonar (as we know them) to function, or do they function in some other way?


Thanks a lot!

Something akin to them, I would assume.

See, this came up in a discussion I was having with my brother.


This pertains to which is more efective underwater, the Akaku or the Arthron. X-Rays actually cannot penetrate very well underwater, so underwater technology doesn't use them for scanning. They do, however, use Sonar, which does work underwater.


So my question is - does the Akaku work poorly underwater, or does it work around that problem somehow?

