ScribeGT6817 |
Nokama1854 wrote: Ok, here's another you ever read the fanfics on the MBs here? Some of them are amazing.
I just started on this site a couple days ago, so no, not yet. In general, I do not read fan fiction so that I cannot at some point be accused of stealing someone else's ideas.
TheSkyTurnedNe… |
I gotta question: Anything you can spill about Ninjago in december? 
ScribeGT6817 |
Daler99 wrote:
Greg, in BIONICLE 3, Adventures 7, Adventures 9, and the first 2005 comic all had different ways that the Rahaga caught the Hordika from their fall from the Colesium. Which is correct?
That was eight years ago, Daler,I don't remember.
ScribeGT6817 |
LQ1998 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
keplers wrote:
Hello again, Mr. Farshtey! I'm sorry I made two separate posts for my questions, but I forgot this question that I always wanted to ask: Did you come up with the storyline for BIONICLE before the sets were designed, or did you work with the sets are provide a plot for them?
Usually what would happen would be this.There would be an agreement on a really broad storyline -- the Toa are going to be underwater, for example, and the villains will be this -- and then the set designers would go to work. When they were done, we would start deciding who all the characters were and what they could do and fleshing out the story more,
If I'm correct during the Mahri you had a prototype of Nuparu who had a sword. That's why in the books he had the Aqua Blaster Blade, correct? 
That was six years ago, so I don't recall.
ScribeGT6817 |
jackfrost2090 wrote:
Do you think you'd like my story orderof the dragon?
Not having read it, how would I know?
GeekGirl567 |
Ok, I have a question about the plot hole in Ninjago. If you don't have an answer, that's fine, I just feel a need for closure. In "Wrong Place, Wrong Time" the ninja destroy the Mega Weapon. If the mega weapon never existed, then Garmadon wouldn't have turned the ninja into kids, and Lloyd would never have used the Tomorrow's Tea. So how come Lloyd is still older when the ninja return to their own time?
ScribeGT6817 |
mj1343 wrote:
ok, ive seen so many minifigs in these 26 pages, but WHICH MINIFIG IS GREG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????? ok, so your the dude who writes the ninjago papercutz stuff. ive hered that you did some bionicle stuff. *gets out ninjago comic book colection* i have all but 2 and 5!! 1: if you could write one comic series about another theme, what wold it be? 2: say your a minifig. what would you do? 3: do you like legos? 4: ......? ThAnK yOu!!!
1) Super Heroes 2) Huh? 3) If I didn't, would I work there?
ScribeGT6817 |
Firox555 wrote:
I almost fell over in excitement when I heard this announcement.  Anyways, Mr. Farshtey, I'd just like to thank you for taking the time to answer our questions!  As for my questions: I might like to ask you some BIONICLE story questions, but for some reason, I feel that those would be more appropriate for BZPower and chatting with Erebus (I used to be a member of BZPower, and I still read the forums there). So my first question is this: Do you have a favorite BIONICLE set? Of any that was ever released? Do you have multiple favorites? As for my second question: Do you have a favorite Kraata power? Alright, maybe I'll ask one little story question that has been confusing me for a while: Is Sand an actual element? Does it exist in the Matoran Universe? Thanks again!
1) Not off the top of my head 2) I don't recall the kraata powers, that was too many years ago, 3) I don't think sand was ever made an official element, as I recall.
ScribeGT6817 |
bestpilotinthegalaxy wrote: Mr. Farshtey,
Though I was never the biggest fan of Bionicle, I always enjoyed reading the comic books that came with the LEGO Club magazines. I am proud to say that I have kept every one of them since 2006.
What I was wondering was:
1) Why did LEGO choose to end Bionicle? It was a good theme which had endured for about a decade, and never lacked fan support. It had potential to be expounded upon even more, thereby opening even more oppertunities for the LEGO company.
2) What was your reaction when you heard that LEGO was going to end Bionicle?
Thanks for doing this topic for us!
1) Well, actually, if you look at both set and movie sales, both were declining at the time the line was cancelled. So that gave LEGO a choice - hope it bounced back and risk letting sales drop to a point where the line could never be brought back, or cancel it while there was still some degree of success to it in case they ever did want to do anything with it in the future. 2) That's personal.
jaydog1616 |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
jaydog1616 wrote: I have a Few questions for Greg: 1. Is Ninjago & Bionicle all that you've written for LEGO? 2. Do you plan to write for any other LEGO Themes? 3. Thanks!
1) No, I have also written novels for Hero Factory and as Editorial Director for the LEGO Club Magazine I have written about pretty much all the themes the last 13 years 2) Not really up to me, comes down to what I am asked to do.
Thanks for Answering me! EEK! *Screams MJLaubacher Style * My Friends are going to be SOOOOO Jealous when they hear that i talked with Greg...Ffffaaarrss...*Gets Dizzy of Over-Excitement*.......*Passes out*
ScribeGT6817 |
the_dark_0ne wrote:
Why did all the bionicles have long weird names?
Because short, easy names usually were already trademarked by someone else. To get a name approved, you had to be able to Google it and not find many (or any) hits. Try it yourself. Make up some names, run them through Google, and see what you get. You wind up adding lots of k's and x's so that the name doesn't get hits on search engines.
ScribeGT6817 |
cgyv wrote:
Are you going to make more than Bionicle and Ninjago? I was thinking that you can make a chima one!!!!!
A Chima what?
ScribeGT6817 |
Trico909 wrote:
Will bionicle return?
No idea. I have not heard anything about it returning.
ScribeGT6817 |
pacman87 wrote:
Greg, are there more Ninjago sets that would be shown for the future?
There will be new sets in 2014.
jaydog1616 |
Cool! I saw a Post by Greg Farshtey, 4 SECONDS after it was Posted!!!  
QUESTION FOR GREG: Do you have Instant Post? Because i don't think you know, but our posts get Moderated for Safety!