2014-03-25 20:04 UTC–5

Anakin3367 wrote:

Okay, let me start out by saying, I LOVE your boooks! I have read just about all of them, Ninjago, Hero Factory(loved Mirror World, especially) , and, of course, Bionicle. I have just two Bionicle questions, and forgive me if they have been asked already but...


How do Matoran/Agori reproduce? Do they spawn or are they born? and


Are Glatorian a seperate race from Agori? Or are they more toa-like, where Agori transform into them. (Based on the books and movies, I am suspecting it is the first answer.)


Anyway, I can't believe I actually get to talk to to you (so to speak). Huge fan!LaughingHappy

Well, I ain't no Greg Farhtey, but I think I can help. Joking

1. Matoran do not reproduce, but instead are sent back in new bodies by the Red Star (well, until it malfunctioned).

2. Yes.


BTW, love your sig! Joking

2014-03-26 00:17 UTC–5
Since a mask can be infused with lots of life energy to resurrect the wearer, what would happen if this was done to a stolen kanohi while the wearer was still alive? A clone?
2014-03-26 09:00 UTC–5

puss57 wrote:

I have a question. What is energized protodermis?

We know it is a naturally occurring and powerful substance on Spherus Magna, with mutagenic properties. Anyone exposed to it either transforms or is destroyed, there is no middle ground. EP is also sapient and sentient.

2014-03-26 09:02 UTC–5

maletoaofwater wrote:

Where did the original source of anitdermis come from?


Speaking of the antidermis and the Makuta, how were the Makuta able to use energized protodermis every time to create Rahkshi with such certainty? Wouldn't it have destroyed the antidermis/kraata some of the time/turned it into something else? And if antidermis+EP makes kraata, then why didn't that happen when the Inika shot their zamor spheres at the antidermis enslaved matoran of Voya Nui?

1) The Great Beings created antidermis

2) Remember, EP is sapient - it knows what it is going to turn things into, and kraata become Rahkshi armor.

3) Insufficient antidermis for that to happen.

2014-03-26 09:03 UTC–5

maletoaofwater wrote:
Are the Nuva symbols still active? If they are, could the toa ever break their connection to them?

I'm not aware of a way the Nuva could break their connection to them.

2014-03-26 09:05 UTC–5

smartbr1ck wrote:

Why is the bionicle story stop'tCrying

BIONICLE isn't an active line anymore, and hasn't been for four years now. The story existed to promote awareness of the sets, and there are no sets to promote awareness of anymore.

2014-03-26 09:07 UTC–5

koren84 wrote:
Hello, Gregory...
1. Marvel or DC?
2. When you are stuck while writing... what is the best thing to do? *I am REALLY STUCK in my script right now*

1) Right now, mostly Marvel.

2) I generally go and try to do something that has nothing at all to do with writing. But ... I also consider the possibility that at some point in my story I may have had a character do something they did not "want" to do ... something that didn't fit who they were ... which can cause the story later on to grind to a halt. I once had to rewrite forty pages of a novel because I had done that.

2014-03-26 09:09 UTC–5

Anakin3367 wrote:

Okay, let me start out by saying, I LOVE your boooks! I have read just about all of them, Ninjago, Hero Factory(loved Mirror World, especially) , and, of course, Bionicle. I have just two Bionicle questions, and forgive me if they have been asked already but...


How do Matoran/Agori reproduce? Do they spawn or are they born? and


Are Glatorian a seperate race from Agori? Or are they more toa-like, where Agori transform into them. (Based on the books and movies, I am suspecting it is the first answer.)


Anyway, I can't believe I actually get to talk to to you (so to speak). Huge fan!LaughingHappy

1) Matoran do not have biological reproduction, Agori do. Matoran were created artificially, but exactly how we never defined. (The answer about the red star is also correct, but that only applies to Matoran who have died, not new ones.)

2) They are a separate race

2014-03-26 10:41 UTC–5
If bionicle came back would you be happy?
2014-03-26 11:33 UTC–5

keiththelegokid wrote:
If bionicle came back would you be happy?

Sure, as long as it sold well. If it came back and didn't do well, it would be really difficult if not impossible to bring it back again later.

2014-03-26 11:39 UTC–5

So, it's kind of implied in the Mask of Light movie that Jaller has a crush on couples even work in the Bionicle world? And are the Toa Mata actually brothers and sister, or do they just call one another that? (In general, are there any siblings among Bionicles?)

2014-03-26 11:46 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

koren84 wrote:
Hello, Gregory...
1. Marvel or DC?
2. When you are stuck while writing... what is the best thing to do? *I am REALLY STUCK in my script right now*

1) Right now, mostly Marvel.

2) I generally go and try to do something that has nothing at all to do with writing. But ... I also consider the possibility that at some point in my story I may have had a character do something they did not "want" to do ... something that didn't fit who they were ... which can cause the story later on to grind to a halt. I once had to rewrite forty pages of a novel because I had done that.

Thanks, I am thinking of having Batman... Smash Joker in the script, that would really make the Rest of the story.. darker...

#1. Marvel?  I guess they are making better movies right now, I mean... Gal Gadot? REALLY?

2014-03-26 13:19 UTC–5

Hi Greg,


Since the serials like The Powers That Be are unfinished and are unlikely to be finished, would you ever consider having another flash fiction contest on BZPower to finish them, so long as you gave us the general idea of where the story is headed?  Of course, you would have to approve them to be considered official canon, but I would love to read the completed stories, especially about the Great Beings and Red Star. 


I love your work!  I look forward to reading more of your works in the future!  Thanks for your time!


2014-03-26 14:32 UTC–5

Hi Greg


It's great to be able to speak with you, Bionicle was something very special to have lasted all this time, I understand you also are working on newer projects, but I'm afraid I'm here because of your work on Bionicle.


Like a lot of people, I am holding my breath on a continuation or sequel of Bionicle at some point in the future, but the major problem seems to be how the end was handled, aswell as making it difficult to continue the story with Makuta Teridax dead, the destruction of Mata Nui was heart breaking for us who grew up on the Mata Nui storyline.


If you were to be working on a Bionicle reboot or continuation, would you consider changing/ uncanonizing the final fights with the great spirit robot and where the Matoran Universe fell face down, to allow you to continue working with Teridax, and to preserve Mata Nui from destruction? Since Mata Nui was where Bionicle started of course, could it be a viable platform on which to base a reboot?

2014-03-26 16:32 UTC–5

How far can various beings with teleportation power travel? (Makuta, Botar's species, Artahka, etc.)