2013-08-24 19:27 UTC–5

nickvang_7_7_7 wrote:

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

If agori are capable of biological reproduction is it the same way as mammals and how are new glatorian made?

Yes and same way.

Mammals right? Then considering the scorpion-like beings Zesk and Vorox are devolutions of the Agori and Glatorian, I've gotten some questions: do fully biological Agori and/or Glatorian have a coccyx, an inner or outer skeleton, nipples, fur (hair), teeth and/or nails? I also think they have four toes on each foot and four fingers on each hand (looking at the sets). Personally I would like an awesome mix of arachnids and mammals. Having inner bones in the upper arms and legs, and outer bones on the lower arms and legs. This would go great with how they look set-wise, and it would look great too! Nerd

Not really something I have thought about. I did not need to know the details of their anatomy to write the stories, so I did not spend time on it.

2013-08-24 19:29 UTC–5

AidenPons wrote:

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

AidenPons wrote:
  1. And another thing about masks: The Toa Nuva collected SOME Nuva Masks. Could they still use them later on? It seems that they didn't...


3) I don't know what you're referring to.


I was talking about the book 'Tales Of The Masks.' The Toa Nuva collected quite a few of the Nuva masks, and they had them at the time of the Bohrok-Kal attack. But they didn't seem to use them when battling the Rakshi (not quite sure how it's spelt). And did they still have them with the Adaptive Armor?

That was because the moviemakers did not want to have to take time to explain switching masks, changing mask powers, and doing all the extra animations of characters in different masks. That is why they were not used in that story.

2013-08-24 20:22 UTC–5
You said that Vortixx were capable of biological reproduction and you also said that nothing that lived in side of the Mata-Nui robot was capable of biological reproduction, well the Vortixx species lived in the robot. I'm magerly confusedConfused
2013-08-24 21:55 UTC–5

Dear Greg,

I am quite a writer. Do you have any good advice on how to not make one's story bland?


Thanks, and Cheerio.

2013-08-24 23:10 UTC–5

You said that Vortixx were capable of biological reproduction and you also said that nothing that lived in side of the Mata-Nui robot was capable of biological reproduction, well the Vortixx species lived in the robot. I'm magerly confusedConfused

Sorry -- it has been a lot of years since I worked on this, so not everything is top of mind. No, the Vortixx are not capable of biological reproduction, they are bio-mechanical just like everything else in pre-Bara Magna BIONICLE story.

2013-08-24 23:31 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

hawaiiandog5000 wrote:

What's your favorite Kanohi?

Don't have one


2013-08-24 23:32 UTC–5

If you were in bionicle, what would you look like and what would be your name?

2013-08-24 23:36 UTC–5

What does the Mask of healing look like from bionicle?

2013-08-24 23:42 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:

hawaiiandog5000 wrote:

If you could make another part of the bionicle storyline what would it be?

I don't know. If BIONICLE came back tomorrow, I would not recommend picking up where we left off since most 8-9 year olds wouldn't remember the old story and would just be confused by it.

Oh okay

2013-08-25 05:11 UTC–5

1. Do youy have any plans, what about characters from stories?


2. Did species from Spherus Magna was bring to live by... evolution?

2013-08-25 07:31 UTC–5

ScribeGT6817 wrote:



I welcome any questions that are not about Ninjago 2014, at this point.

-- Please note that these abilities were ones chosen by and voted on by BZPower members. I did not create them, so exactly what the details of them are really needs to come from the people who did create them.


-- Yes, we know GBs have physical bodies, because one was chained up in one of the serials. They cannot exist without them, but they do have the tech to essentially transfer brain patterns, which is how the red star works. A new body gets made and the brain patterns get transferred out of the old, dead body into the new one.


I understand - so they need a body (like Makuta?) but they do have the technology to transfer their consciousness to new bodies.


Do you mind if I ask another question?


You stated that the size of the Great Beings had not been defined (they're not necessarily big). Does their size tend to vary depended on the individual? I can tell that some of them are pretty different in personality - does this translate into physical appearances as well? Would different GB's have preferences for certain types of bodies?


Just one more question, then I'll let it rest for a while...


What happened to Tuma, after The Legend Reborn? I never understood this... if he's still alive, do you think that he is likely to join TSO's new organization?


And I understand that you're going under some stress due to the Ninjago 2014 thing. I won't ask any questions of that sort... thanks for your patience. Smile


2013-08-25 11:37 UTC–5

Hey Greg,


Did you ever plan to have the toa Nuva turn into turaga?


Also, what did you plan to happen to Lewa after he got captured by the Bota Matga Agori?



2013-08-25 12:36 UTC–5

Hey, Greg;


1. Can the rest of Kirchonn's army eventually get powerful enough to create axes out of thin air, or is this only possible for Kirchonn himself?


2. In The Truth-Seeker story of 'Jay: Ninja of Lightning' how come Soon and the villagers didn't arrest Lee for making deals with the skulkin?


3. Why is Meca One so obssessed with taking control of the mountain, when he could just dominate the surrounding area, allowing his army to grow even bigger?


4. How come Lhikan died in 'Legends of Metru Nui' when the only thing that happened was that his shield was, well.... eaten?

2013-08-25 15:42 UTC–5

Paploo2 wrote:

Dear Greg,

I am quite a writer. Do you have any good advice on how to not make one's story bland?


Thanks, and Cheerio.

Can you give me more info? What is it about your stories that you feel is bland?

2013-08-25 15:42 UTC–5

hawaiiandog5000 wrote:

If you were in bionicle, what would you look like and what would be your name?

No idea.