legopanama |
Hello Greg! I am not to much of a fan of your books or Bionicle (The first time I opened a bioncle package I got into a super bad car crash. I mean, exactly as I opened it. Bad expiennce!), and I dont watch TV so I want able to see your series Ninjago, but I was able to catch some of the seasons on YouTube. I have to say, they were pretty good. How did you come up with such good character traits? Any reason why you picked the name "Ninjago"? Did you have any idea what your plot would grow into? Somee other questions: I am a big fan of Star Wars. Are you? I am writing a new book on a Verpine Jedi called Beyghor Sahdett. (The Verpine are a specis of insects that are interligent from SW). Any idea what I shoudl call the book?
diglett809 |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
diglett809 wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
batkid02 wrote:
Here is another question: Have you always been a writer, or were you something else before that?
I have been a sports writer, a game writer/editor, a copywriter, and then a writer/editor at LEGO. So I have pretty much always been a writer.
What sport did you write about?
Mainly high school sports -- football, basketball, baseball and soccer.
Awesome! I would love to be a sports writer(I love sports)! I watch them a lot and would play them if my school had sports(my school doesn't have ANY sports) .
diglett809 |
Hey Greg, know how long you will be doing this? Is it just for a few days, or will you be doing this for a while?
LEGONinjagoFan… |
LEGONinjagoFanAndLEGOFan wrote:
WhiteAlligator wrote:
Hi everyone - Are you sitting down? If not, grab a chair! We don't want anyone falling over when we tell you ... The one, the only Greg Farshtey wants to chat with you!  That's right, the storytelling mind behind BIONICLE and Ninjago is here on the LMBs to answer your questions. Please post your questions now! Greg will be visiting this topic to respond to you personally. While participating in this topic please remember to ...
1. Stay on topic! No spamming. No side conversations. 2. Be patient! Greg will answer your questions as quickly as he can. 3. Have fun! This is an awesome opportunity! Enjoy!!
I've got questions for you Greg! 1. Which is your favourite LEGO Ninjago Character? 2. Which LEGO Ninjago villian is your Favourite? 3. Are you excited for LEGO Ninjago in 2014? So....I hope you like my questions! and Hopefully answer them!
Erm Greg.....Are you answering my questions? because, they're good are they?
LEGONinjagoFan… |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
SprinkleOtter wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote: 1) Yes, very well. 2) That was so long ago I don't remember. 3) It was basically overlaid, sort of like if you put one coat of paint over another coat of paint. The first coat is still there, you just can't see it.
1) I met you shortly after that contest, because of that contest. My brother was one of the winners. 2) Ha ha! Okay. 3) Interesting... Thanks!  And one more question... Who picked Matoro to be the one to save Mata Nui? You? And why Matoro?
I did, yes. And I picked Matoro because he felt that he wasn't doing enough to be a hero ... he didn't really feel worthy of his power. So I thought it would be cool if he did the most heroic thing of all.
Hello Greg! Have you played LEGO Universe?
hydreigon1 |
Mr. Greg........................... I can't believe your really here, I loved the Bionicle comics, and I nearly cried when they ended, so my question for you is this, will it ever come back? (I know other people asked it) Oh, and I wanted to say another thing, YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO COOL!
SprinkleOtter |
ScribeGT6817 wrote:
SprinkleOtter wrote:
ScribeGT6817 wrote: 1) Yes, very well. 2) That was so long ago I don't remember. 3) It was basically overlaid, sort of like if you put one coat of paint over another coat of paint. The first coat is still there, you just can't see it.
1) I met you shortly after that contest, because of that contest. My brother was one of the winners. 2) Ha ha! Okay. 3) Interesting... Thanks!  And one more question... Who picked Matoro to be the one to save Mata Nui? You? And why Matoro?
I did, yes. And I picked Matoro because he felt that he wasn't doing enough to be a hero ... he didn't really feel worthy of his power. So I thought it would be cool if he did the most heroic thing of all.
Yeah. You did an epic job on that. 
clbgolden10 |
Since you made ninjago, does that also mean you made chima?
Julian8120 |
Malurus2000 |
Malurus2000 wrote:
Today started out as any normal day... I had a wierd dream and slept in late. I then checked out the BIO forum as usual, only to make a shocking discovery: IT'S GREG FARSHTEY IN PERSON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH! I slapped myself multiple times to see if I was dreaming, but alas, THIS IS A MIRACLE! I just wanted to tell you I am a dedicated fan of BIONICLE, and do love your works. The plot twists and character depths really inspire me as an author myself. Anyways, question time! 1. When I write BIONICLE stories, it is hard to put Chuteseak/Treespeak in it. I know you never liked it, but any tips on what fits and what doesn't? 2. Were you dissapointed that BIONICLE was sceduled to end earlier? 3. You were said to be able to finish The Powers That Be, but now there's no more for you to post it on. If you were able to get it up, where would you put it? That's all my baffled head can think of now...
I think I might've been answered, but never adressed...
tiggerjake9 |
Hi Greg!  It's great to meet you! I have all of the Ninjago graphic novels (always buy them the day they come out. ), and was wondering how many more you're writing for 2014. Also, is Zane going to be the main villain, or is it another group of Nindroids? Thanks! 
rusman20 |
*Throws up* Not really. So,Mr.Farshtey,do you plan to write any more Bionicle Magazines? because I really miss them. 
Alemas |
Lifelong BIONICLE fan here, and this is like lightning out of a clear sky for me.  So you do Ninjago too? I did not expect it. What is your job exactly with Ninjago? 
tiggerjake9 |
lego613master wrote: AHHHHHH!!! Greg, it's youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Wow, never seen an "Official" before. Not since the OLd LMBs. 
Me too.  Shiny logo... 
LEGO_Collectab… |
sk8r00 wrote: Why are so just so amazing? Being able to come up with designs like that? And the story lines? Like I said, why are you so awesome? 
He's Greg Farshtey, that's how he's so awesome and is able to do what he does. 